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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Gracious, it's perfectly awful!" cried Anne. "Yes, lady. That's what Billy said. He said he didn't object to gettin' shot at, but he did object to gettin' hit, especially when he was readin' po'try. Said it kind of bruck his strand of thought. That guy was no gent." Walter Stone again glanced at Dr. Marshall. Aunt Eleanor rose, bidding the men good-night. Louise and Mrs.

He was supposed to be "girly" and milk-soppish, because he never fought and seldom joined in the school sports, preferring to herd by himself in out of the way corners and read books especially "po'try books." Walter loved the poets and pored over their pages from the time he could first read. Their music was woven into his growing soul the music of the immortals.

He stood red and half smiling, with his cake in one hand, his wine in the other, and then began, 'Long may ye live, Happy may ye he, And blest with a num'rous Pro-ge-ny. 'Theere, that's po'try for yo' as I larnt i' my youth. But there's a deal to be said as cannot be put int' po'try, an' yet a cannot say it, somehow. It 'd tax a parson t' say a' as a've getten i' my mind.

P'r'aps yer surprised at hearing me speak o' my own flesh and blood ez if I was talkin' hoss-trade, but you and me is bus'ness men, Mr. Renshaw, and we discusses ez such. We ain't goin' to slosh round and slop over in po'try and sentiment," continued Nott, with a tremulous voice, and a hand that slightly shook on Renshaw's shoulder.

"Billy's aged terrible," she said to Maggie, who was still sulking because of the boxed ear. "I know what's the matter with him." Maggie's lynx-eyes glittered. "I found some po'try he writ on the back of the wood-shed door. He thought nobody but him ever went there. It's grand po'try."

Bud chanted vain-gloriously. "How's that, Skyrider? Ain't that purty fair po'try?" "It don't fit into the tune with a cuss," Tex criticized jealously. "Pass over that po'try of Johnny's. Yo' all ain't needin' it not if you aims to make up yore own words." "C'm 'ere! You wall-eyed weiner-wurst!" Johnny harshly addressed the horse he was after.

I call to mind when he was a boy pretty dirty and ragged he was too as he used to lean over the parapet of Blackfriars Bridge and watch the current sort of swirling round the piers, and he used to say as how he could hear what the river was saying. I used to think him loony. But it was po'try, sonny, all the time."

The Gophertown gent snuck up and tried to stick Billy up when Billy was readin' po'try some of mine. Billy didn't scare so easy. He reaches for his gun. Anyhow, the Gophertown gent's bullet hit a rock, and shied up and stung Billy in the leg. Billy never misses a tin can now'days, and the gent was bigger than a can. We never seen nothin' of him again."

Well, I ain't cussin' because I don' know how. Lemme see . . . I was facin' east when I started. Now I'm lit, and I'm facin' south. Me hat's there, and that there toad-lizard oughter be over there, if he ain't scared to death. Reckon I'll quit writin' po'try jest at present and finish gettin' acquainted with that there toad-lizard. Wonder how far I got to walk?

But the spirit of it the meaning of it he fair raised my hair off he knew it a darned sight better nor I. And that's what I set out for to say, sonny. He had po'try in him. And all this" he swept an all-inclusive hand "all this meant to him something that you and I can't tumble to, sonny.

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