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Updated: August 8, 2024

Remember, Mashr, min' dis, now, de sinfulness ob sin Is 'pendin' 'pon de sperrit what we goes an' does it in; An' in a righchis frame ob min' we's gwine to dance an' sing, A-feelin' like King David, when he cut de pigeon-wing.

"'I assooms it's the will of all to pull off a proper Thanksgivin' caper, says Enright, 'an' tharfore I su'gests that Doc Peets and Boggs waits on Missis Rucker at the O. K. restauraw an' learns what for a banquet she can rustle an' go the limit. Pendin' the return of Peets an' Boggs I allows the balance of this devoted band better imbibe some. Barkeep, sort out some bottles.

The taown line between East Ketchem and West Ketchem runs right through the middle of this island." A gaping silence followed this horrible pronouncement. "We eh we are just camping here, pending " began Scoutmaster Ned. "It ain't no question uv pendin'," said Mr. Birchel Rodney. "The ordinance of the village of East Ketchem says that every minor " "We're not miners, we're scouts!"

Pendin' McGuffey's reflections on the hamperin' of crime in Kandavu, however, we'll turn our attention to the prime object of the expedition. We've had our little fun and it's high time we got down to business.

Pendin' of which said notice, however, concloods Billy, turnin' to us after 'Doby starts back, 'Willyum an' me entertains." "And so you think the trouble lies with the man and not with the whiskey?" I said. The Old Cattleman and I were discussing "temperance." "Right you be. This yere whiskey-drinkin'," continued the old gentleman as he toyed with his empty glass, "is a mighty cur'ous play.

Fill your hide, but don't flourish no funds, or go enlargin' on any weakness you has for buyin' your own licker. As for seein' Jack Rainey, it's plumb impossible. He's got too full to visit folks or be visited by 'em; but he's upsta'rs on some blankets, an' if his reason is restored by tomorry, you sends up your kyard an' pays him your regyards pendin' of which social function, take another drink.

The islander hadn't said his name was anything, but he grinned now and replied that it was Tabu-Tabu. "Well, my bucko," muttered McGuffey, who always drew the colour line, "I'm glad to hear that. But you ain't the only thing that's taboo around this packet. You can jest check that war club with the first mate, pendin' our better acquaintance.

Well, they turns in an' brings the other inhabitants outen their fits; pendin' which Moore kills off the last remainin' bull-snake in Crawfish's herd. "Son, I've seen people mad, an' I've seen 'em gay, an' I've seen 'em bit by grief. But I'm yere to remark I never runs up on a gent who goes plumb mad with sadness ontil I sees Crawfish that day Jack Moore immolates his bull-snake pets.

"It comes, then, that one mornin' Dave an' me an' these yere aliens lines out for the hills. They've got ponies, an' wagons, an' camp- outfit to that extent a casooal onlooker might think they aims to be away for years. "As we p'ints out from the O.K. House, where them Britons has been wrastlin' their chuck pendin' the start, Tucson Jennie is thar sayin' 'goodby' to Dave.

And after I get her straightened out and going slow she tells me her story." "Is this here story got a bearin' on the charges pendin'?" "I think it has. Yes, sir; it helps to explain what happens.

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