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Updated: August 13, 2024

"But this much, however, I do understand, that our province of New York is the centre of all this trouble; that the men of Tryon hold the last pennyweight, and that the balanced scales will tip only when we patroons cast in our fortunes, ... either with our King or with the rebel Congress which defies him.

"I have thought," she said, "that if the issues of this war depend on us, we patroons should not draw sword too hastily yet not to sit like house-cats blinking at this world-wide blaze, but, in the full flood of the crisis, draw! knowing of our own minds on which side lies the right." "Who taught you this?" I asked, surprised to over-bluntness. "Who taught me? What? To think?" She laughed.

Did you expect me to say that I was in a position to prove anything one way or another? And," he added with increasing harshness, "how do you know what I might or might not prove? If she went to the Patroons Club, I did not go with her; I did not see her; I don't know whether or not you took her." "I have already told you that I did not take her," said Siward, turning whiter.

For property he had a profound deference, so far as that deference extended to its importance and influence; but it would have caused him not the slightest qualm, either in the way of conscience or feeling, to find himself suddenly installed in the mansion of the patroons, for instance, and placed in possession of their estates, provided only he fancied he could maintain his position.

Why man, it's the talk of the clubs." "I suppose that is why I haven't heard," said Plank simply; "my club-life is still in the future." "Oh!" said Fleetwood with an involuntary stare, surprised, a trifle uncomfortable, yet somehow liking Plank, and not understanding why. "I'm not in anything, you see; I'm only up for the Patroons and the Lenox," added Plank gravely. "I see. Certainly.

It was the manorial life of the patroons a relic of ancient feudalism which had its beginning in 1629, when The West Indies Company issued its charter of Privileges and Exemptions.

The residence of the old patroons, a lordly manor where once lavish hospitality had been displayed, was approached through great gates of hammered iron in which the family arms were interwoven, leading into a fine avenue of trees. The branches of the more majestic met overhead, forming a sylvan arch that almost obscured the blue sky by day and the stars by night.

Reaching the Crescent City some time before the strollers his progress expedited by a locomotive that ran full twenty miles an hour! the land baron found among the latest floating population, comprised of all sorts and conditions, the Marquis de Ligne. The blood of the patroons flowed sluggishly through the land baron's veins, but his French extraction danced in every fiber of his being.

Judge Westbrook, in whose office I worked, was counsel and collector for the patroons, notably for the manors of Livingston and Van Renssalaer two little kingdoms in the heart of the great republic. I spent two years at my work and studied in the office of the learned judge with an ever-present but diminishing sense of homesickness. I belonged to the bowling and athletic club and had many friends.

But it only made me like him; and no doubt that actress he took to the Patroons is better company than he finds in nine places out of ten among his own sort." "Oh," said Grace Ferrall slowly, "if that is the way you feel, I don't see why you shouldn't play with Mr. Siward whenever you like." "Nor I. I've been a perfect fool not to. … Howard hates him." "How do you know?" "What a question!

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