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Updated: August 1, 2024

But the poor men must make a sentiment against these kidnappers, because among the ignorant poor they find their defenders and equals." "Judge," the pungy captain said, "they'se a-makin' a pangymonum of all the destreak about Patty Cannon's. By smoke! it's a shame to liberty.

Well, anyway, it's hot enough; an' this, I 'spect, is what started the Pangymonum." He took a stout drink, and it revived his weakened system, and he bathed his head in its strong alcohol. He then returned to the lawn and walked around the house, peeping into the lower rooms of which there were two in the main building, the kitchen being an appendage but saw nobody.

"Come with those horses, you idle lads," the lisping voice of the Captain was heard to call. "Ya, ya! there, luego! the morning passes on." "All ready," Cy James replied, and as they left the stable door he whispered once again, and looked significantly towards Johnson's Cross-roads: "By smoke! Hokey-pokey! an' Pangymonum, too!"

"Three men, one old woman, and some little things, makes the present contents of Pangymonum," spoke up a rough, cheery voice, "an', by smoke! it's jess enough." "Is it the white man that talks?" "He says he's white, but they think it's goin' to be easy hokey-pokey to pass him off for a nigger." Her eyes soon recognized the speaker as he said, "By smoke! miss, you're not much like a Johnson.

Then they won't git at you to ship you off till I kin git to Seaford, over yer in Delaware it's not more than six mile whar I know three captains of pungies, and all of' em's in port thar now all friends of Jimmy Phoebus, all well armed, and their crews enough to handle Pangymonum!"

By smoke! an' Pangymonum, too!" "I reckon he's crazy," Levin thought, as the queer fellow turned and fled.

"I heard Patty Cannon mutter that she was going to set her black man free to kidnap for her. Hark! I must fly." Hulda descended the ladder in time to surprise Cy James coming up. He bent his goose neck down as he leaned his hands upon his knees, and, looking up into her face, ejaculated, "Hokey-pokey! By smoke! And Pangymonum, too."

The Virginia spirit rose in Vesta's eyes: "Whoever killed this dog only wanted the courage to kill men!" she exclaimed. "James Phoebus, look here!" The pungy captain had been abroad for hours, and the masts of his vessel were just visible across the marshy neck in the rear of Teackle Hall. He touched his hat and came in. "Early mornin', Miss Vesty! Hallo! Turk dead? By smoke, yer's pangymonum!"

"Maybe I'll git killed up yer in this Pangymonum," Jimmy reflected; "an' though I 'spose it don't make no difference whair you plant your bones, I don't want to grow up into ole pines. Good, big, preachin' kind of pines, that's a little above the world, an' says 'Holy, rolley, melancho-ly, mind your soul-y' I could go into their sap and shats fust-rate.

"Well," said Jimmy, "if this ain't Pangymonum, I reckon I'll find it at Johnson's Cross-roads! Git up thar, gal, an' let me see what ails you." The woman rose mechanically, still singing in the shrill, cracked, weary drone, and, as she rose, the baby awoke and began to cry, and she stooped and took it up, and, patting it with her hands, sang on, as if she would fall asleep singing, but could not.

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