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Horatia, daughter of Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, was baptized here, and also Lord Byron. About 1770 the necessity for providing increased church accommodation became apparent, and it was first proposed to erect the new building on the north side of Paddington Street, where Mr. Portman offered a site. This land was afterwards used for a burial-ground.

In spite of this trial, however, the directors of the railway treated the 'new-fangled' invention with indifference, and requested its removal. In July, 1839, however, it was favoured by the Great Western Railway, and a line erected from the Paddington terminus to West Drayton station, a distance of thirteen miles.

"Well, sir," observed Guy at last, when the secretary had withdrawn, "one by one they're getting away from us and by the same route. First Rockamore, now Paddington!" Blaine looked up with a grim smile. "Putting a woman wise to anything is like lighting a faulty time-fuse: you never can tell when you're going to get your own fingers blown off! But tell me something, Guy.

He really spoke to her as if she had been some strange young woman at Knightsbridge or Paddington; but it had no other effect on her than to give her the measure of his tremendous flurry. Then it was that, above all, she felt how much she had missed in the gaps and blanks and absent answers how much she had had to dispense with: it was now black darkness save for this little wild red flare.

"I lived last with a Miss Dufferin, The Parsonage, Llanelly. I was with her two years." "And then you thought you would get more money by coming to London, I suppose? Well, it doesn't matter to me. I will give you L50 L60 whatever you want. You can come in at once?" "Yes, ma'am. To-day, if you like. My box is at Paddington." "Go and fetch it in a taxi, then. It's an easy place.

"A neighbour offered me a drive to Paddington; and, as I haven't heard of my son for some time, I couldn't resist the temptation of stepping on to inquire after him, and to thank you for your great goodness to us both, I've brought a little garden-stuff and a few new-laid eggs for you, Ma'am," she added turning to Mrs.

These chaps'll learn manners when they join the colours; and you're lucky in the regiment you're going to there's no smarter in the service. I have made one or two uncomfortable journeys in my time, but I can recall nothing quite so comfortless as the march with that ragged and disreputable contingent along Piccadilly, across Hyde Park, down the Edgware Road, and so on to Paddington Station.

"I begged my mother to say nothing to Frank about me until I was gone, and a day or two later I slipped away to Paddington with a couple of grips and took the train to Barry Docks. It will give you an idea of the quiet life I had led when I tell you this was my first long journey. I had been to places within one hundred and fifty miles of London, but never farther.

This was to be given to the guard, who would in his turn hand it to a special messenger at Paddington, and the editor of the Beacon would receive it by four o'clock in the afternoon. The day was fine, with a fresh breeze, and the programme of pleasure was satisfactorily carried out. But with sunset the wind freshened into a brisk gale, and heavy clouds rolled upwards from the western horizon.

Then an interlude of sleep, during which an orchestra plays dream music, with a roll, roll, roll of wheels as a musical groundwork to the theme. Then Paddington, in a fog a real London particular, now for the first time seen, felt, tasted, sneezed at, coughed at, wept over. Distracted biographic figures rampant everywhere. Gone.