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"Well, p'r'aps not a burglary; but a capture of two that were 'wanted' for it. It's all in to-day's News." "I I haven't seen a paper for the last two days," said Leander, his heart beating with hope. "Tell us about it!"

"Not likely to be here, my lad, even if they were in hiding; but this is a wild goose chase. They're dead as dead." "P'r'aps so, sir; but I think they're in hiding somewhere. Praps here." "Humph! No. Poor fellows, they were drowned." "No, sir, I don't think it," said Ramsden.

Between the two perplexin' duties I tried to steer as straight a course as I could, but I confess I had to steer pretty close to the wind." "Well, Hunky, it is my duty to thank you instead of criticising you as I have done, but how do you come to be so sure that I'm innocent?" "P'r'aps because ye putt such an innocent question," replied Ben, with a little smile.

Not a man stirred; not a man answered. "That's your sort, is it?" he added, returning his pipe to his mouth. "Well, you're a gay lot to look at, anyway. Not much worth to fight, you ain't. P'r'aps you can understand King George's English. I'm cap'n here by 'lection. I'm cap'n here because I'm the best man by a long sea-mile.

"P'r'aps you'd like to sit down for five minutes?" Ginger thanked 'er, and 'im and Peter Russet took a chair apiece in front o' the fire and began asking old Sam about 'is 'ealth, and wot he'd been doing since they saw 'im last. "Fancy your reckernizing his foot," ses Mrs. Finch, coming in with the change.

"Humph!" said the Sergeant, examining the piece of stone; "p'r'aps them bits o' threads and them scrappy bits may be gold; but if you broke that up and melted it, the gold you'd get would be such a tiny bead that it wouldn't be worth taking away." "Perhaps not," said Denham, giving me a look; "but there'd be a good-sized bead out of a ton. The ancient miners didn't work for nothing, I'll be bound.

Although those who went out returned with a fair bag, no reward followed the opening of the bivalves. "P'r'aps we've cleaned up the old river, and there ain't another pearl to be found," suggested Bandy-legs. The others were loth to accept this view of the case; and for several days they searched industriously for the now elusive fresh-water clams.

"Mother says I'm never to come in here," announced Mary. "But I do lots. Isn't it pretty?" "P'r'aps we oughtn't " began Barbara. "Oh, yes, we ought," answered Mary scornfully. "Always you and your 'oughtn't." She turned, and her shoulders brushed a low bracket that was close to the door. A large Nankin vase was at her feet, scattered into a thousand pieces.

And, believe me, he's worth a sacrifice." "He deserves the best," she said warmly. "Yes, but you don't take me," said Capper. He paused a moment, then suddenly laid a quiet hand on her shoulder. "I may be a wise man," he said, "and again I may be a meddling fool. You and the gods must decide between you. But I'm old enough to be your father anyway. So p'r'aps you'll bear with me.

"Have you tried not to?" questioned the Girl, smiling in his face now, and enjoying in the full this stolen intimacy. "Ah, Señorita, why should I . . .? All I know is that I do." The Girl became reflective; presently she observed: "How funny it seems, an' yet, p'r'aps not so strange after all. The boys all my boys at the camp like me I'm glad you do, too."