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Updated: August 27, 2024

Just lay in the road with your wheel by your side and act like you had a fall an' was hurt. I wanta stop a man who's in a hurry, see?" Billy regarded him coolly. "Any shooting?" "Oh, no!" said the other, "Just a little evening up of cash. You see that man's got some money that oughtta be mine by good rights, and I wantta get it."

Brace sent me up on a message to the forewoman an' that floor shook under my feet like a earthquake! Sam Warner says the building ain't half strong enough fer them machines, anyway. He says they'd oughtta put 'em down on the first floor; but they didn't want to 'cause they don't show off good to visitors, so they stuck 'em up on the sixth, where they don't many see 'em.

He found it jus' before Christmas and brung it home t' me. "You c'n see for yourself how the name o' the party it was to go to had been all run together, so's you can't read it. The package got wet, I guess. But your name's plain enough up in the corner. I knowed I ought ta brung it here first thing, but I I opened it. I knowed I hadn't oughtta.

I'd hate to tell you how unpopular popular music is with me." "Huh! You couldn't play on a side comb, much less play on the piano like Charley does. If I didn't have no more brains than some people honest, I'd go out and kill a calf for some!" "You oughtta talk!

You oughtta seen me the day I quit the shipping room, right over at the Titanic, too, and then see whether you got something to be scared at." "You you used to work there?" "Six years." "I I ain't scared no more, Eddie; honest, I ain't!" "Gee, I should say not! They ain't even sending you up to the farm." "No, no! They're going to get me a job. A regular outdoor, on-the-level kind of a job.

It's stealin' the money they oughtta pay us fer our work! It's creepin' round the winders an' eatin' up the air. Didn't you never take notice to how they let it grow acrost the winders to hide folks from lookin' in from the visitor's winders there on the east side? They don't care how it shuts away the draught and makes it hotter 'n a furnace where we work! No, you silly!

A girl that ain't got no more brains than to gad round every night and every Sunday in foul-smelling, low-ceilinged dance halls, and wear paper-soled slippers when she oughtta be wearing galoshes, and cheesecloth waists that ain't even decent instead of wool undershirts! You oughtta talk about brains you and Charley Chubb!" "Yes, I oughtta talk!

You're going to Tinsdale, and nobody's going to find you ever, unless you want 'em to! See? Now, listen! We haven't any time to waste. You oughtta get off on the ten o'clock train. I put out some clothes there for yeh. They ain't like yours, but it won't do fer you to go dressed like a millionairess. Folks out to Tinsdale would suspect yeh right off the bat.

The other girl now thoroughly alarmed, laid the satin on a chair and went over to the little stranger, gathering her up in a strong embrace, and gradually lifting her to the bed. "You poor little Kid, you! I oughtta known better! You're just all in!

"Gee, you oughtta be writing scare heads for the Evening Gazette!" Hattie Krakow ran her hand over her smooth salt-and-pepper hair and sold a marked-down flannellette petticoat. "I can't throw no scare into you so long as you got him on your mind. Oh, lud! There he starts now that quickstep dance again!"

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