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She observed that Tenison had been long standing at her bedside, and, with that sweet courtesy which was habitual to her, faltered out her commands that he would sit down, and repeated them till he obeyed. After she had received the sacrament she sank rapidly, and uttered only a few broken words.

Winn, by way of preface, observed that he, in former years, had been in the habit of reading English magazines, which contained accounts of the plowing-matches which were annually held in some of the southern counties of England, performed by cattle, and that he had noticed that the prizes were generally adjudged to the plowman who worked with spayed heifers; and although there was no connection between that subject and the facts which he should state, it was, nevertheless, the cause that first directed his mind into the train of thought and reasoning which finally induced him to make the experiments, which resulted in the discovery of the facts which he detailed, and which I will narrate as accurately as my memory will enable me to do it, after the lapse of more than twenty years.

The soldier observed, "The prince said truly, for all the people are the slaves and servants of princes; all are reared and fed from their favour and protection. This slave is yours without purchase; but to conceal secrets is consonant to good sense.

You do well to go, or Markelov would think you a coward ... but I'm coming with you." "I am not a coward," Nejdanov observed gloomily. "I meant to say that he would have thought us both cowards. I am coming with you." Mariana went into her own room to get a shawl, while Pavel gave an inward ha, ha, and quickly vanished. He ran to warn Solomin.

At such times she has a special curry made for herself of tinned lobster, or shrimp, or tinned chicken. Ah, I must not forget. It was for her father that she came. Something is the matter with Captain West. At rare moments I have observed her gazing at him with a world of solicitude and anxiety in her eyes.

To divert their attention from matters of government, it being now a year since the death of Cosmo, it was resolved to celebrate two festivals, similar to the most solemn observed in the city.

Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti. "I'm sure I don't wonder at their being tired," observed the pacha, yawning, "if they were like you." "God is great," replied Mustapha, with another yawn. "Shall he proceed?" "Yes, let him go on; wake me when the story is ended," replied the pacha, laying down his pipe.

It was but a little house, certainly, but still it was something, and Martin had nothing of the kind. "You will not take sea service again, Jürgen?" observed one of the old fishermen. "You will always stay with us, now." But this was not Jürgen's intention, for he was just thinking of looking about him a little in the world.

It is hoped that Saxon readers will see this subtle joke when I explain that "delirium" should come before "trimmin's." Underneath the incredulity of the lower classes and be it observed that their incredulity is obviously based on an instinctive feeling that the claims and arguments of their own party are alike preposterous underneath this vein of unbelief is a vein of extraordinary credulity.

The foot of one of them suddenly rested on the mound, and he stopped to examine its nature. At this moment, Heyward observed that the scout loosened his knife in its sheath, and lowered the muzzle of his rifle. Imitating these movements, the young man prepared himself for the struggle which now seemed inevitable.