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Updated: August 19, 2024

Brown, "and I don't think I could 'a' brung meself to 'ave 'im killed for anythink less than them comin' 'ome. As it was, I feel 'e's died a nobil death. An' 'e'll eat beautiful, you mark my words." "Well, it'll be something to think of the Boss at the head of his table, investigatin' a Billabong turkey again," said Boone, putting down his empty cup.

The adventure of Fiordispina with Ricciardetto would have branded an English serving-wench as a harlot; the behaviour of Roger towards the lady he has just rescued from the sea-monster would have blushingly been attributed by Spenser to one of his satyrs; but these were escapades quite within Ariosto's notions of what was permitted to a gentil cavaliero and a nobil donzella; and if Fiordispina and Roger are not like Florimell and Sir Calidore, still less do they in the faintest degree resemble Tourneur and Marston's Levidulcias and Isabellas and Lussuriosos.

For awhile my labours were not solitary; but that time is gone; and, with the selected and matchless companion of my toils, their dearest reward is also lost to me Di mie tenere frondi altro lavoro Credea mostrarte; e qual fero pianeta Ne' nvidio insieme, o mio nobil tesoro? I present the public with my latest discoveries in the slight Sibylline pages.

You 've been trying to philander with the Nobil Donna Susanna Torrebianca and she 's sent you about your business. Oh, I 've seen how things were going." He winked and nodded. "Nothing of the sort," said Anthony. "You might tell Wickersmith to pack our things. We 'll take the eight-fifteen up to-morrow morning. That will get us to Victoria in time for the eleven o'clock Continental express." "Oh?

He had tried. But the unconscious, though worthy creeters, adwanced in spite of him, Huncle Bill bringing in the old lady grinning on his harm! "Phansy my feelinx." "Immagin when these unfortnat members of my famly hentered the room: you may phansy the ixtonnishment of the nobil company presnt.

It's something like this noosepaper, for instance; something that's gut a big Injin onto it; though the Big Injin Fryday Nite had his close on, which this moril Jernal's Injin hasn't, bein intended to represent that nobil read man of the forrist, of hoom the poet sweetly sings: "Low, the poor Injin! hoose untootered mind Clothes him in frunt Butt leaves him bare behind!" However, let that parse.

Signore, or master of my soul, madonna, anima mia, dolce mio ben, nobil persona, are the terms of adoration with which he approaches his mistress. The elevation of feeling and perfect breeding which Manzoni has so well delineated in the loves of Renzo and Lucia are traditional among Italian country-folk. They are conscious that true gentleness is no matter of birth or fortune:

"I believe you are the master of the house?" "The titular master," Anthony distinguished. "I years ago resigned all real power into the pink and chubby hands of my mayor of the palace." And he slightly bowed. "I disdain to answer your silly quibble over the word guest," Adrian continued, ignoring the rejoinder. "La Nobil Donna Susanna Torrebianca is a guest.

Anthony's interest appeared to wake a little. Adrian laughed. "I expected that would rouse you. A Madame Torrebianca." "Ah?" said Anthony; and his interest appeared to drop. "Yes la Nobil Donna Susanna Torrebianca. Is n't that a romantic name? A lady like the heroine of some splendid old Italian story, like Pompilia, like Francesca, like Kate the Queen, when her maiden was binding her tresses.

"Yes, yes," he said a little testily; "unless and I pray it may not be so unless you ever need the help of an old friend." "Dear Signor Graziano!" "And now you will sing me my 'Nobil Amore'?" "I will do anything you like!" The signorino sighed and looked at her for a minute. Then he led her into the little parlour where Madame Petrucci was singing shrilly in the twilight. "But why not?

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