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When Robert came to the top of the garret stairs, he saw a handmill, which was at a little distance, whirled about very swiftly.... When he was in bed, he heard as it were the gobbling of a turkey cock close to the bedside; and soon after, the sound of one stumbling over his shoes and boots; but there were none there, he had left them below.... The next evening, between five and six o'clock, my sister Molly, then about twenty years of age, sitting in the dining-room reading, heard as if it were the door that led into the hall open, and a person walking in, that seemed to have on a silk nightgown, rustling and trailing along.

Should I do it, it would look as if I would be nearer on a level with him: and yet, should I not, it might be thought a disgrace to him: but I will, I think, open the portmanteau, and, for the first time since I came hither, put on my best silk nightgown.

After dinner took coach and to my wife, who was gone before into the Strand, there to buy a nightgown, where I found her in a shop with her pretty girle, and having bought it away home, and I thence to Sir G. Carteret's again, and so took coach alone, it now being almost night, to White Hall, and there in the Boarded-gallery did hear the musick with which the King is presented this night by Monsieur Grebus, the master of his musick; both instrumentall I think twenty-four violins and vocall; an English song upon Peace.

Standing on the ledge he could see trees far away, which were doubtless the Kensington Gardens, and the moment he saw them he entirely forgot that he was now a little boy in a nightgown, and away he flew, right over the houses to the Gardens.

When the doctor had gone, Luella came into the room lookin' like a baby in her ruffled nightgown. I can see her now. Her eyes were as blue and her face all pink and white like a blossom, and she looked at Aunt Abby in the bed sort of innocent and surprised. 'Why, says she, 'Aunt Abby ain't got up yet? "'No, she ain't, says I, pretty short. "'I thought I didn't smell the coffee, says Luella.

He had gone to bed, hoping to sleep well and rise early for a long day's work, but he could not rest, and now, in his nightgown and slippers, he was pacing the floor of his room. "I wish I DID know," he thought, over and over. "I DO wish I knew how he feels about it."

"The nurse is here, and a lot of clothes and things just came over for Miss MacVeigh from Hamilton Hill. Mary, I wish you could see them." "I shall in the morning, Mother." "The nurse got her into a satin nightgown before I came up, with nothing but straps for sleeves but she looked like a Princess " "Aren't you tired to death, dear?" Mrs. Flippin laughed. "Me? I like it.

I then rose slipped on my nightgown and," here Nicodemus laughed more loudly than ever, "as I am a gentleman, my spirit lamp naked sword loaded pistols my diamond breast pin, and all my clothes, even unto my unmentionables, had disappeared; but what was the cruelest cut of all, my box of Mareschale powder, my patent puff, and all my pomade divine had also vanished; and true enough, as Lucifer says, it so happened that from the delay in the arrival of the running ships, there was not an ounce of either powder or pomatum to be had in the whole town, so I have been driven in my extremity oh most horrible declension! to keep my tail on hog's lard and Baltimore flour ever since."

"Miss Daisy is the mistress. We all belong to Miss Daisy. It will be as she say." I thought to myself that very little was going to be "as I said." I got out of bed, feeling terribly slim-hearted, and stood in my nightgown before the fire, trying to let the blaze warm me. Margaret did her duties with a zeal of devotion that reminded me of my old June.

The child woke as joyous as a bird. Hand in hand the quaint-looking pair a seeming Indian with a little white-skinned child in a flannel nightgown trudged patiently up the stream, till in the middle of the afternoon they came to a spot where Pierre thought it safe to wade across.