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Updated: August 9, 2024

I've been pretty low in my spirits I can tell you and I beg your pardon humble, young feller, and if ever I can do Nella-Rose a turn by letting Burke free, no matter what he does I will! But 'tain't likely he'll act up for some time. Nella-Rose always could tame him and he's been close on her trail ever since she was a toddler. I'm right glad they took things in their own hands and left.

Every nerve was alert now. "This is pure madness. Great heavens! what am I going to do with you?" The seriousness of the situation overpowered him. "Sh!" The warning was caused by the restlessness of the dogs outside. Their quick ears were sensing danger or the coming of their master! Either possibility was equally alarming. "Oh! you do not understand," Nella-Rose was pleading by his knee.

For a year or two the lean, thready little girl looked like no one but her own elfish self; and then it was like a revealment she grew to be like Nella-Rose! Lynda, at times, was breathless as she looked and remembered. She had seen the mother only once; but that hour had burned the image of face, form, and action into her soul.

Nella-Rose took her packages, smiled her thanks, and ran on. She ate her lunch by the bushes where the eggs lay hidden, then depositing in the safe shelter the home bundles Merrivale had so generously weighed, she put the eggs in the basket, packed with autumn leaves, and turned into the trail leading away from the big road.

The lamp had burned itself out and the storm was again howling in its second attack. Chilled and obsessed by an unnerving sense of danger, Truedale waited for he knew not what! Just then something pressed against his leg and he put his hand down thinking one of the dogs was crouching close, but a whispered "sh!" set every muscle tense. "Nella-Rose?" "Yes but, oh! be mighty still.

As for Nella-Rose, she had reason to fear White's power as woman-hater and upholder of law and order. She simply eliminated Jim and, in order to do this, she must keep him in the dark. Early that morning she had looked, as she did every day, from the hill behind the house and she had seen but one thin curl of smoke from the clearing!

I certainly done you a black insult that day I came upon you and Nella-Rose. I didn't let on, and I never will, about her being to my place, but no wonder the poor child was terrible upset when I came in. She had come to me, so I study out, and found you stark stranger!

She recalled, too, Conning's graphic description of his first meeting with Nella-Rose. The quaint, dramatic power that had marked Ann's mother, now developed in the little daughter. She had almost entirely lost the lingering manner of speech the Southern expressions and words but she was as different from the children with whom she mingled as she had ever been.

The wonderful eyes searched the happy, young face and at the glance, Nella-Rose knew that she was compelled to confide! There was no choice. She felt the power closing in about her, she found it not so easy as she had supposed, to explain. She sparred for time. "Tell me a right, nice story, Miss Lois Ann," she pleaded, "and of course it's no trouble that has brought me here! Trouble! Huh!"

"No! no!" the girl gasped, "they're not after you to shoot you, Burke; Jed Martin is for putting you in jail!" "Good God the sneaking coward." "And Jim White is off raising a posse, he means to to see fair play. Wait until Jim comes back; then give yourself up." "And then then, Nella-Rose?" The young, keen face among the dead leaves glowed with a light that sent the blood from Nella-Rose's heart.

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