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We laugh over it now, that sudden descent of New York "leg-men," breezy, businesslike, well-dressed young gentlemen of the "clean-cut" type; but we were glad enough when they were through asking for facts and photographs and impressions, and had gone, leaving the porch rather mussed-up and the snow in front as though a herd of buffaloes had trampled it. But even this is to anticipate a little.

A uniformed cop stood on the steps behind, and another rode beside the driver and kept his eye peeled over his shoulder, thinking he would be justified in shooting if anything started inside. Boys on bicycles pedaled furiously to keep up, and many an automobile barely escaped the curb because the driver was goggling at the mussed-up prisoner in the "Black Maria."

Miss Briggs' face was scratched from contact with the bushes; her hair was down and in a tangle, and her clothing was torn. She was a much mussed-up young woman. "Watch him, Hippy," called Grace. "J. Elfreda, if you are feeling able please tell us what occurred. I know that you roped the animal, but that is all."

"That doesn't matter a bit," she exclaimed. "I must get used to being 'mussed-up. You see, I'm a farmer now." The other's concern promptly vanished. He loved to hear her laugh. "You never farmed any?" he asked. "Never." Joan shook her head in mock seriousness. "Isn't it desperate of me? No, I'm straight from a city." Buck withdrew his gaze from her face and glanced out at the hills.

"An' we ain't had no sort o' luck till you got around," added Pete hastily. "In the storm," nodded Curly Saunders. "All mussed-up an' beat to hell," cried Ike, feeling that he was being ousted from his rights. "Yes, an' Buck carried you to home, an' rode in fer the doc, an' had you fixed right," cried Abe. Ike looked round indignantly.

The sheriff's comin' right out to that farm, chasin' some feller for murder. Ther's the fact plain fact. He's comin' to that farm which shows that gal is mussed-up with the racket someways. Now I tho't a heap on this thing. An' I'm guessin' this murder must have been done back East. Y' see that gal comes from back East.

"I know it is said That my beautiful head Has brains of mixed wheat-straw and bran, But my thoughts are so good I'd not change, if I could, For the brains of a common meat man. "Content with my lot, I'm glad that I'm not Like others I meet day by day; If my insides get musty, Or mussed-up, or dusty, I get newly stuffed right away." The Loons of Loonville

You didn't suppose I meant that we'd go hungry when I invited you to come up here for a little relaxation, after our big strain this morning? Benson promised to have something for us. They're only plain country folks, you know, so don't expect much style, fellows." "Style!" exclaimed Ralph, with a snort, "do I look like I could put on a heap, with these mussed-up trousers?

But he was persuaded to wait, and the cake was hidden away in the dining-room closet until the hour for the evening meal. When Dinah came home she noticed the mussed-up kitchen, but Nan begged of her to keep quiet. "All right, honey," said the colored cook. "But I know youse been a-bakin' I kin spell it in de air."

Pore feller, he's patient as he always is, but he's all mussed-up an' broken shocking; shot in the side an' got bones smashed up. Howsum, he's goin' on all right, an' we hope for the best." "I 'lows that's neat," Rube said, lighting his pipe. "'Tain't jest what I'd fancy. Sounds kind o' familiar. An' I guess it's li'ble to scare her some." "Well?" "Wal, I tho't we'd put it easy-like."