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Miss Browne murmured to Aunt Jane, in a loud aside, that she well understood now why the eminent explorer had not discovered the South Pole, and Aunt Jane murmured back that to her there had always been something so sacred about a tombstone that she couldn't help wondering if Mr. Shaw's attitude were really quite reverential. "Well, friends," remarked Mr.

He had felt sure she would not return to the audience immediately, and he took the chance. He held out both hands and Patty laid her hands in his. "Captive Princess," he murmured. "My Knight!" Patty whispered, and flashed a smile at him. "Can you EVER forgive the things I said?" he asked, earnestly, as he led her across the room and they sat down on a divan.

"No, I have seen nothing for myself as yet," she murmured "We have always lived in the country. It was my brother's wish." "It is a curious meeting this between you and me," continued the other. "Do you believe in chance, Miss Haldin? How could I have expected to see you, his sister, with my own eyes?

"Father would have joined the patriot army if he had not been captured and taken away by the Tories, and now that he is not able to do that, we will do it in his stead. I know it is what father would wish us to do, and as Tom says, it will give us a better chance to find and rescue father." "Oh, my sons, my sons! How can I spare you, too?" murmured Mrs. Dare.

From time to time his lips moved after the fashion of the old, when immersed in thought, and once he audibly murmured, "The poor lad; the poor lad." Colwyn forbore to speak to him. He realised that he had had a shock, and was best left to himself. By the time the taxi reached the office of the chief constable Mr. Oakham showed symptoms of regaining his self-possession.

It's the most brilliant coup I have ever known. It will stir Paris to the depths and make you a a hero." "Thank you, thank you," murmured the sick man. At this moment an awe-struck attendant came forward to say that the baron wished a word with M. Paul. "By all means," consented the judge.

'Oh, yes, the curtains; Nikolai Petrovitch was so good as to make me a present of them; but they have been put up a long while now. 'Yes, and it's a long while since I have been to see you. Now it is very nice here. 'Thanks to Nikolai Petrovitch's kindness, murmured Fenitchka.

Paul turned pale again, but his courage as usual came back. "Thank God it will be daylight soon," he murmured to himself, "and then if they overtake us we can see them." Faint and far, but ominous and full of threat came the howl of the wolf again, first from the right and then from the left, and then from points between.

"You poor, dear, plucky woman," he murmured, putting an arm round her, and gently removing the heavy helmet; while she lay motionless; her head on his shoulder; no vestige of colour in lips or cheeks.

I can never forget who solaced me in my misery; I can never forget all your delicate tenderness, Digby. Would that I could make a return to you more worthy of all your goodness; but if the grateful devotion of my life can repay you, you shall be satisfied. He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. 'It is of you, and of your happiness that I can alone think, he murmured.