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"Do not alter your diet it is simple and mucilaginous but increase the quantity by degrees." He postponed his departure till midnight. Up to the present time he had made rather light of the case, and as for danger he had pooh-poohed it with good-humored contempt. Just before he went he said: "Well, Frank, I don't mind telling you now that I am very glad you sent for me, and I'll tell you why.

Little time was afforded for these private expressions of amiable feeling. The grand repast was declared ready, and the importance of this announcement overweighed, for a short period, the claims of scandal and ill-nature. The company quickly found their way to the tables, which, as the "Pekin Gazette" of the next morning said, in describing the fête, "literally groaned beneath the weight of the delicacies with which they were loaded." The consultations of the Ning-po cook and his confederates had produced great results. The guests seated themselves, and delicately tasted the slices of goose and shell-fish, and the pickled berries, and prawns, and preserves, which always compose the prefatory course of a Chinese dinner of high degree. Then porcelain plates and spoons of the finest quality, and ivory chopsticks tipped with pearl, were distributed about, and the birds'-nest soup was brought on. After a sufficient indulgence in this luxury, came sea-slugs, and shark stews, and crab salad, all served with rich and gelatinous sauces, and cooked to a charm. Ducks' tongues and deers' tendons, from Tartary, succeeded, with stewed fruits and mucilaginous gravy. Every known and some unknown luxuries were lavishly provided. The Ning-po cook had invented a new dish expressly for the occasion, "Baked ice

Sir James Smith observes that "there is great reason to suppose sugar not so properly an original secretion, as the result of a chemical change in secretions already formed, either of an acid or mucilaginous nature, or possibly a mixture of both. In ripening fruits, this change is most striking, and takes place very speedily, seeming to be greatly promoted by heat and light.

The flowers are of a different nature, being in taste little other than mucilaginous and sweetish, and of a light pleasant smell. The pulpy part of the berries appears also to be harmless. The bark macerated in water has of late been much employed in France as a topical application to the skin for the purpose of excoriating and exciting a discharge. RUMEX acutus.

A mass of 100 gallons of water having only 16lbs. of sugar to dissolve, exerts it's dissolving powers upon the mucilaginous part which abounds in grains, and dissolves a great quantity of it.

The slug, when dried, is an ugly looking, dirty brown-coloured substance, very hard and rigid until softened by water and a very lengthened process of cookery, after which it becomes soft and mucilaginous.

This has been since demonstrated, by attentively observing that it always begins with a motion of acid fermentation, which is produced by the mucilaginous substance.

There is a third species of diabetes, in which the urine is mucilaginous, and appears ropy in pouring it from one vessel into another; and will sometimes coagulate over the fire. This disease appears by intervals, and ceases again, and seems to be occasioned by a previous dropsy in some part of the body.

When such a collection is reabsorbed, it is not always returned into the circulation; but the same irritation that stimulates one lymphatic branch to reabsorb the deposited fluid, inverts the urinary branch, and pours it into the bladder. Hence this mucilaginous diabetes is a cure, or the consequence of a cure, of a worse disease, rather than a disease itself. Dr.

Pieces are thus made of many yards in length. A mucilaginous dye is then used, both to colour the cloth, and further to strengthen it, until large bales are formed of a single piece, from which portions are cut off as required for use. Some of those we saw were fifty yards long and four yards wide.