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Oil should not be given. Sulphate and carbonate of magnesium, mucilaginous drinks. Sulphate of copper is a valuable antidote, both as an emetic and as forming an insoluble compound with phosphorus. Fatal Dose. One grain and a half. Fatal Period. Four hours; more commonly two to four days. Detection of Phosphorus in Organic Mixtures. Mitscherlich's method is the best.

Figs are supposed to be more nutritious by having their sugar united with a large portion of mucilaginous matter, which, from being thought to be of an oily nature, has been long esteemed an useful demulcent and pectoral; and it is chiefly with a view of these effects that they have been medicinally employed. FRAXINUS Ornus. MANNA. L. E. D. There are several sorts of Manna in the shops.

Rice in some degree replaced the nauseous and innutritious corn bread, and if served in sufficient quantities, would doubtless have promoted the recovery of many men dying from dysenteric diseases. We also received small quantities of "okra," a plant peculiar to the South, whose pods contained a mucilaginous matter that made a soup very grateful to those suffering from scurvy.

A sudden suspicion relieved his still fevered eye, which threw upon me the full blaze of staring wonder and terror, while an accompanying uncertainty of my intention sealed his mouth and added curiosity to his look. But I followed up my intention resolutely and determinedly. "Here is on the table," continued I, "a mucilaginous vehicle for its conveyance into the stomach.

When the two sides are moulded, he sticks them together and dips the whole in a pot of white mucilaginous paint. When this coating is dry, he tattoos the sheep according to his fancy, covers its back with a bit of sheepskin, and ties a red string around its neck. And all this work for a sou? is one's incredulous question.

Mucilaginous fluid is secreted on their surfaces. III. Three kinds of rheumatism. The capillary-vessels are like all the other glands except the absorbent system, inasmuch as they receive blood from the arteries, separate a fluid from it, and return the remainder by the veins.

The rum distiller employs advantageously the residue of his preceding distillation, to give a fermentation to his new molasses: this residue has within itself enough of acidity for that purpose. Might not the residue of the distillation of my vinous liquor have the same acidity? It contains only the mucilaginous substance already acidulated.

The virtue which it has been most celebrated for, is that which it has the least title to, i. e. diminish the spleen. ASPLENIUM Scolophendrium. HARTS-TONGUE. The Leaves. These have a roughish, somewhat mucilaginous taste.

It is now ripe, of a pale red color, about the size of the common gooseberry, and like it is an ovate pericarp of soft pulp enveloping a number of small whitish seeds, and consisting of a yellowish, slimy, mucilaginous substance, with a sweet taste; the surface of the berry is covered glutinous, adhesive matter, and its fruit, though ripe, retains its withered corolla.

First, stain in tallow, then take of spirits of turpentine 1 pint, cream of tartar 1 oz., soda 1 oz., gum shellac 1/2 oz., thick paste reduced thin 2 qts. Mix well. This will finish 24 sides. The antidotes for poisoning with the strong mineral acids, such as nitric, muriatic, sulphuric, or oxalic acids are magnesia, chalk, whiting, in milk or water; mucilaginous or soapy liquids.