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In every detail the trip was a perfect success. Private car to Moosehead Lake, a banquet fit for Lucullus, prepared by his own chef, en route, exquisite Tiffany menus, and costly souvenirs. Headquarters at Mt. Kineo for a day or two, and then down the West Branch of the Penobscot in canoes, and over the carries until the comfortable camp at Cauquomgomoc Lake was reached.

"Well," said the sister Serene, "you know that stylish young widow that came a while ago to the Moosehead the one that wore the splendid black silk the night o' the ball?" "Yes." "She was a detective," this in a whisper. "What!" said the other two, awesomely. "A detective." Then a quick movement of chairs and a pulling of yarn.

Toothaker provided two buggies, one for himself and our traps, one for Iglesias and me. We rattled away across county and county. And so at full speed we drove all day, and, with a few hours' halt, all night, all a fresh, starry night, until gay sunrise brought us to Skowhegan, on the road to Moosehead Lake. As we had travelled all night, breakfast must be our substitute for slumber.

The locality, to be exact, was the north side of Roach River, about half-way from the first pond to where the stream empties into Moosehead Lake. Near a deserted log hut, known as "McPheter's Camp," they had discovered signs of a bear his tracks, and the spot where he had lain down among the tall dead grasses.

Since a boy who is forever fighting is not only a nuisance, but usually a bully, some older folk go to the extreme and tell boys that all fighting is wrong. Theodore Roosevelt did not believe it. When he was about fourteen, and riding in a stage-coach on the way to Moosehead Lake, two other boys in the coach began tormenting him. When he tried to fight them off, he found himself helpless.

She was deeply if secretly offended by this intrusion. "What's the news?" said the newcomer, turning to the sister Bet. "Oh, nothing!" said the other, wearily. "Ain't you heard about that woman up at the Moosehead?" "Heard all I care to," said the sister Bet, with jealous feeling. Here was another red plum off the same tree.

"The nice people don't come to the Adirondacks to fish," said she; "they come to talk about the fishing twenty years ago. Besides, what do you want to catch that trout for? If you do, the other men will say you bought it, and the hotel will have to put in a new one for the rest of the season." The following year Beekman tried Moosehead Lake.

He also says that the candidate's boasted liberality here is different from the kind he was using while in Maine, and quotes the following incident: Two years before he went away from Penobscot county, one of our present candidate's children was playing on the railroad track of the Bangor & Moosehead Lake Railroad, when suddenly there was a wild shriek of the iron-horse, a timid, scared cry of the child, and the rushing train was upon it.

When you read in Colburn's Oral Arithmetic, "that a man bought mutton at six cents a pound, and beef at seven," ask your mother what she pays a pound now, and do the sum with the figures changed. When the boys come back after vacation, find out where they have been, and look out Springfield, and the Notch, and Dead River, and Moosehead Lake, on the map, and know where they are.

Their outfit was extremely simple: guns, traps, axes, fishing-gear, powder, and bullets, &c., with an assorted cargo of such trinkets and other articles as the Indians desired in return for peltry. In three weeks they reached the head-waters of the Kennebec, at Moosehead Lake.