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Updated: August 4, 2024

Perhaps the tale was the more impressive because of Crozier's deep baritone voice, capable, as it was, of much modulation, yet, except when he was excited, having a slight monotone like the note of a violin with the mute upon the strings. This was his tale: "Well, to begin with, I was born at Castlegarry, in Kerry you know the main facts from what I said in court. As a boy I wasn't so bad a sort.

He hardly considered a quarter a sufficiently large tip for the waiter who served the dinner, and decidedly not enough for the dinner itself. He did not see his man at first, and when he did the man did not see him. Van Bibber watched him stop three gentlemen, two of whom gave him some money, and then the Object approached Van Bibber and repeated his sad tale in a monotone.

Their notes were new, but their song was the old delicious monotone the joy of living and love of spring. A green-bowered irrigation ditch led by the porch and unseen water flowed gently, with gurgle and tinkle, with music in its hurry. Innumerable bees murmured amid the blossoms. Hare fell asleep.

She spoke in a low monotone and with no tinge of resentment, but her words had an immediate and perturbing effect on Popova, who stared at her wide-eyed and seemed unable to find his voice. "You must know that I have been governed by your father's wishes," he said awkwardly. "Why do you " "Do not misunderstand me. I thank you for what you have done. I would not be other than what I am.

Cherry drifted into the big, deep-carpeted waiting-room; there were other women there, sunk into the big leather chairs, watching the doors, and glancing at the clock. The high windows gave directly upon Powell Street, where cable-cars were grating to and fro, and where motor-horns honked, but all noises were filtered here to a sort of monotone, and the effect of the room was of silence.

The great physician had not been his cheerful, kindly self for some time. Perhaps she surmised, too, that the mail which she had laid in his lap had not been all that he had anticipated. With scarcely a move, he sat, staring in front of him, until the evening shadows had turned the landscape to a dull monotone.

On the same seat with Foresta and her mother sat Tiara and Ensal and their presence somehow gave added assurance to Henry. Henry made his statements, the witnesses were examined and in the monotone with which the police judge went through with all of the cases, he said, "Fined twenty dollars and costs." Foresta half arose, shocked at the amount, and Mrs. Crump crouched back in her seat in despair.

A grey mist was rising from the river, the sun was drinking it delightedly, the swift blue water showed underneath it, and the top of Whitefaced Mountain peaked the mist by a hand-length. The river brushed the banks like rustling silk, and the only other sound, very sharp and clear in the liquid monotone, was the crack of a woodpecker's beak on a hickory tree.

They were drawing their hand- reel, each brave lad tugging lustily and panting with fatigue. Kirk and his guide fell in behind and jogged to the scene of the conflagration. A three-storied building was already half gutted; out of its windows roared long, fiery tongues; the structure snapped and volleyed a chorus to the sullen monotone of destruction.

Helen peered over her chum's shoulder and in teeth-chattering monotone breathed in Ruth's ear the query: "What is it?" "It it's Heavy's ghost." "Not mine! Not mine!" denied the plump girl. "Oh!" gasped Helen, spying the stalking white figures. It was the moonlight made them appear so ghostly. Ruth knew that, of course, at once. And then

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