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Much of his verse especially his later verse is to me, at least, as obscure as Mallarme. But Il pleut dans mon coeur Comme il pleut dans la rue can never be surpassed for the fidelity with which it renders the endless drip, drip of melancholia, unless it is by that other magical lyric: Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne Blessent mon coeur D'une langueur Monotone.

At the end of this dreary exercise they were dismissed to prepare for church where there followed a service which Avery regarded as downright revolting. It consisted mainly of prayers as many prayers as the Vicar could get in, rendered in an emotionless monotone with small regard for sense and none whatever for feeling.

They heard also a rumbling monotone preceding each of these vehement interruptions.

She gave no sign that she had seen or recognized Thane. He noticed that on a few of her questions, her voice went up. He saw why. The non-com had finished the body of his form and was filling in the "remarks." His stylus poised, he asked, "Why did you go to the priestess?" Astrid's voice went up as she answered, "She's all right." Then her voice went back to a dull monotone. "I I was confused.

Alas! old Rouault was rich, and she! so beautiful! But Emma's face always rose before his eyes, and a monotone, like the humming of a top, sounded in his ears, "If you should marry, after all! if you should marry!" At night he could not sleep; his throat was parched; he was athirst. He got up to drink from the water-bottle and opened the window.

Then in a rapid, professional monotone: "Ladies-and-gentlemen with your kind permission I will endeavor to give you an imitation of a Carolina coon song" and without more ado, singing the words to a rattling, catchy accompaniment, swung off into "F or MY gal's a high-born leddy, SHE'S brack, but not too shady."

In the voice of this man there was the same suggestion that the tone would crack if it were forced either up or down. With this great difference, one could hardly conceive of a situation which would push that man's voice beyond its monotone. It flowed with deadly, all-embracing softness. It clung about one; it fascinated and baffled the mind of the listener.

"Huh!" replied the Chief, and awaited further parley. "No grub yet, eh? You sleep too long, Chief." The Chief smiled grimly. "I say, Chief," continued Cameron, "I have lost a couple of steers big fellows, too any of your fellows seen them?" Trotting Wolf turned to the group of Indians who had slouched toward them in the meantime and spoke to them in the singsong monotone of the Indian.

As we neared the door we heard the sound of a voice in the monotone of one reading. I stepped forward and looked through a chink between the logs. Graeme was about to open the door, but I held up my hand and beckoned him to me. In a vacant stall, where was a pile of straw, a number of men were grouped.

Although every word, passage, and scene is burned into my brain I have only committed the most important episodes to paper. The proceedings opened with the chairman holding forth in monotone German. Seeing that I took no notice of his tirade he paused. We were soon to come to grips. He fired at me in English: "You understand German?" "No!" "Well, we think you do!"