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Here the technical figure takes precedence over the law of the phrase, and so most virtuosi place the accent on the fifth finger, regardless of the pattern. This is as it should be. In Klindworth there is a misprint at the beginning of the fifteenth bar from the end in the bass. It should read B natural, not B flat.

"Garce" may possibly be a misprint for "grace," and the name "Isle of grace" would harmonize very well with the French missionary's visit and religious services in October, 1611, but Placide P. Gaudet who, by the way, is no mean authority as regards the French regime on the River St. John is disposed to consider the word "garce" as signifying a "merry maiden."

He had already acquired one or two objects of a vague ambition; and, possessing them, had only learnt to be accustomed to them not to value them. There was no elation in the thought that he was freed from the encumbrance of Anna Hethbridge by a chance misprint. Neither was there hesitation in turning accident ruthlessly to his own advantage.

He spelt it "Grey" by a mere misprint, and the whole tale was complete: first blunder, second blunder, and final condemnation. That is a little tale of journalism as it is; if you call it egotistic and ask what is the use of it I think I could tell you. You might remember it when next some ordinary young workman is going to be hanged by the neck on circumstantial evidence.

There was no other Edera river. Unless it were indeed a misprint altogether, the stream which flowed under his church walls was the one which was named in the news-sheet. "But it is impossible, it is impossible!" he said so loudly, that his little dog awoke and climbed on his knee uneasily and in alarm. "What could the people do? What could the village do, or the land or the fisher folk?

Father Martin, in his notes on Bressani, prefixes to this name that of "Horicon," but gives no original authority. I have seen an old Latin map on which the name "Horiconi" is set down as belonging to a neighboring tribe. This seems to be only a misprint for "Horicoui," that is, "Irocoui," or "Iroquois."

For fear it may be thought that the number of sketches mentioned above is a misprint, let us say that if he had produced one picture a day for fifty years it would not equal the number of pieces bestowed by his will on the Nation. At Chelsea I stood in the little room where he breathed his last, that bleak day in Eighteen-Hundred Fifty-one.

* Hakluyt gives "25th," but it is a misprint, as this Thursday in 1540 was the 26th. Gradually, intercourse increased, and presents of trinkets seemed to incline all the natives in Alarcon's favour. At length he discovered that they reverenced the sun, and without compunction he proclaimed that he came from that orb. This deception served him well.

I encountered my first misprint, a thing bad enough, in all conscience, to the mere prose-writer, but to the ardent youngster who really believes himself to be adding to the world's store of poetry, a thing wholly intolerable and beyond the reach of words. Brooding over the slaughtered thousands of Sedan, I wrote what, at the time, I conceived to be a poem.

Where the husband acts adjutor or cavaliere to his friend's "Omantwe" female person or wife and the friend is equally complaisant, wedlock may hardly be called permanent, and there can be no tie save children. The old immorality endures; it is as if the command were reversed by accepting that misprint which so scandalized the Star Chamber, "Thou shalt commit adultery."