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The vulgar in Lambeth are not a jot less diligent in prying and gossip than are their kin in Mayfair. And chance is wont to be mischief-making all the world over. When Mr. Bower passed the library in the dinner-hour on Monday, and, after seeing Thyrza Trent come out, forthwith observed Mr.

If at the same time an important river-town could be stranded and left far inland, the happiness of the mischief-making giant was complete; and for many miles it would swirl and eddy and boil and ripple with exuberant glee over the success of its efforts.

"Then afterwards we grew intimate, very intimate, without knowing it, almost indeed, I am not sure that we should ever have known it had it not been for the mischief-making of Eliza Layard " "May she be rewarded," ejaculated Mary. "Well, and after she that is, Eliza Layard had spoken to my father, he attacked Mr.

He reasoned it out, as he stood with lack-lustre gaze before the plate-glass front, aloof among a throng of eager and talkative women who pressed around him that Plowden would not have spent his money on a mere impulse of mischief-making. He would be counting upon something more tangible than revenge something that could be counted and weighed and converted into a bank-balance.

That blessed clairvoyance which sees into things without opening them, that glorious license, which, having shut the door and driven the reporter from its key-hole, calls upon Truth, majestic virgin! to get off from her pedestal and drop her academic poses, and take a festive garland and the vacant place on the medius lectus, that carnival-shower of questions and replies and comments, large axioms bowled over the mahogany like bomb-shells from professional mortars, and explosive wit dropping its trains of many-colored fire, and the mischief-making rain of bon-bons pelting everybody that shows himself, the picture of a truly intellectual banquet is one which the old Divinities might well have attempted to reproduce in their

She absently wrote on her pad: "He doesn't dare tell me now." Then, with head still bent, she lifted her mischief-making, trouble-breeding brown eyes to his once more. "I am to come here, of course, to consult you?" he asked dizzily. "Mr. Keen will receive you " "He may be busy." "He may be," she repeated dreamily. "So I'll ask for you." "We could write you, Mr. Gatewood."

Luke FitzHenry was not inclined to sociability the stronger sort of man rarely is. On board the Croonah he was usually considered morose and self absorbed. He did his duty, and in this was second to no man on board; but he was content to get the passengers to their destination, looking upon the Croonah as a mere conveyance for a certain number of chattering, gossiping, mischief-making live- stock.

One indeed I could except One, before passion threw its mists over my discernment, I knew the first of women! Her name is indelibly written in my heart's core but I dare not look in on it a degree of agony would be the consequence. Oh! thou perfidious, cruel, mischief-making demon, who presidest over that frantic passion thou mayest, thou dost poison my peace, but thou shalt not taint my honour.

"The compliment is not remarkable. Now, Ian Belward, don't try to say clever things. And remember that I will have no mischief-making." "At thy command " "Oh, cease acting, and take Sophie to her carriage." Two hours later, Delia Gasgoyne sat in her bedroom wondering at Gaston's abstraction during the drive home. Yet she had a proud elation at his success, and a happy tear came to her eye.

"You wouldn't wish to deceive me, I hope," said Matilda; "and oh, Miss Parkinson, you might be open with me, for I'm so very miserable! I don't know what to think. Tell me just this: did you wasn't it you who came last night to Miss Tweddle's?" "No!" returned Ada, impatiently "no, as many times as you please! And if Bella likes to say I did, she may; and she always was a mischief-making thing!