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After a few desultory commonplaces, during which Strang intimated that he would be in town only a few hours, Douglass said, casually, "Drop in and see us before you go out, Dave. Been a long time since we had a talk." Strang looked doubtful. "I only aim to stay till thu mail comes in an' I got a heap ter do. Mebby I kin spah a few minnits."

Sponge and Miss Glitters had passed, without disturbing a twig. 'C a s t anchor! exclaimed Watchorn, in a tone of derision 'not this half-hour yet, I hope! not this forty minnits yet, I hope; not this hour and twenty minnits yet, I hope! continued he, putting his horse irresolutely at the fence. The horse blundered through it, barking Watchorn's nose with a branch.

And now John Fry strode into the hostel, with the air and grace of a short-legged man, and shouted as loud as if he was calling sheep upon Exmoor, "Hot mooton pasty for twoo trarv'lers, at number vaive, in vaive minnits! Dish un up in the tin with the grahvy, zame as I hardered last Tuesday."

"Well, I hain't got none, and I hain't a wantin' none; an' it hain't been ten minnits sence I ups an' says to Dave Hightower, s' I, 'The United States is big enough for me." "Now you er makin' the bark fly," said the man at the fence. During the night other men came down the mountain as far as Poteet's, and always with the same result.

"I'd give ten years of my life to stick a gun down his throat an' shoot it off." "All right. Let's rustle. Mebbe y'u'll not have to give much more 'n ten minnits. Because I tell y'u I can find him. It'd been easy but, Jim, I reckon I was afraid." "Leave your hoss for me an' go ahaid," the rustler then said, brusquely. "I've a job in the cabin heah."

'Twant two minnits afore this child kim up hearin' the rumpus. I hed good sight o' the bar, an' sent a bullet sixty to the pound into the varmint's brain-pan, when he immediately cawalloped over. But 'twur too late to save the hoss. He wur rubbed out. The bar had half skinned him, an' wur tarrin' at his guts! Wagh!"

And now why do you tell us this?" "So that you will kill him for a price." Red laughed harshly. "By Gawd! Madame Dolores Ysobel de Tajeda or Coogan, whatever yuah name is, I'd giv' a better price ef yuh was able to tuhn yuhself into a man fer a couple o' minnits. What d'yuh take us fer, greasers?"

And now John Fry strode into the hostel, with the air and grace of a short-legged man, and shouted as loud as if he was calling sheep upon Exmoor, 'Hot mooton pasty for twoo trarv'lers, at number vaive, in vaive minnits! Dish un up in the tin with the grahvy, zame as I hardered last Tuesday.

If he can talk when they git here," he added ominously, standing half-way between the table and the door to the corridor, his hand opening and closing suggestively. "The crew'd settle his hash if I didn't. They ain't fools. They know what's ahead of 'em in Japan. You, Rainey, git busy with that log. That gunboat'll have a boat alongside this floe inside of ninety minnits."

I was alters a good milker 'n' I'll fill up these canteens in a couple o' minnits." So they climbed over and leaned their muskets against the fence. Shorty seized the calf and held it with a firm grip, in spite of its struggling and bleating.