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It became immediately evident to us, when the two strangers stood within the door, that they were of a profession kindred to those of my companions, and I was delighted with the more than hospitable the even paternal kindness of the old showman's manner as he welcomed them, while the man of literature hastened to lead the merry-eyed girl to a seat on the long bench.

One of the children, a merry-eyed girl of ten, with long hair that almost touched her knees, was a bit of a humorist, and told us that we might as well stay for the night, as the canoe was gone for ever. "Where to?" we asked. "Up there," she answered, with the gravest countenance imaginable, pointing skyward.

Harrigan reminded him of a seal he had once seen in an aquarium tank: out of his element, but merry-eyed and swimming round and round as if determined to please everybody. "It will be a fine night," said the Italian, pausing at Harrigan's bench. "Every night is fine here, Barone," replied Harrigan. "Why, they had me up in Marienbad a few weeks ago, and I'm not over it yet.

It became immediately evident to us, when the two strangers stood within the door, that they were of a profession kindred to those of my companions; and I was delighted with the more than hospitable, the even paternal kindness, of the old showman's manner, as he welcomed them; while the man of literature hastened to lead the merry-eyed girl to a seat on the long bench.

On the precise day on which this story opens some sixty or more years ago, to be exact a bullet-headed, merry-eyed, mahogany-colored young darky stood on the top step of an old-fashioned, high-stoop house, craning his head up and down and across Kennedy Square in the effort to get the first glimpse of his master, St.

I observed that Ranjoor Singh looked merry-eyed when the wildest stories reached him; but we all began to reflect on the disastrous consequences of letting such crafty people reach Afghanistan.

"To you, illustrious lord." "Hm, but I am merely a heyduke," said the merry-eyed man with the triple-tiered moustache. "And I thought it was the Waiwode himself, by heavens! Ai, ai, ai!" Thereupon the Jew twisted his head about and spread out his fingers. "Ai, what a fine figure! Another finger's-breadth and he would be a colonel.

And in a while, having finished his pipe and knocked out the ashes, Mr. Ravenslee stretched his long limbs upon the chintz-covered sofa, and, mirabile dictu, immediately fell asleep. He awoke suddenly and sat up to find the room full of sunshine and Spike standing beside him, a bright-faced, merry-eyed Spike, very spruce and neat as to person. "Say, Geoff," said he, "I've seen Mrs.

This quiet, resolute old "Dutchy," whom you might have taken for a delicatessen-proprietor; this merry-eyed Irish boy, whom you would have expected to be escorting a lady to a firemen's ball they were captains of an army of sappers who were undermining the towers of Peter Harrigan's fortress of greed! Hartman suggested that Jerry might take a chance at this sort of work.

The sergeant was a jolly, red-faced, merry-eyed man from the March of Ancona, and he laughed before he answered. 'We used to call him Pontius Pilate, because he does not know what truth is, he said, 'but we gave that up because he never washes his hands! Cucurullo smiled at the rough jest, but he looked curiously at the speaker.