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Both McTavish and Talbot were listening intently to the cross-country rider's story. "And you say you were sober, Gunning?" Oliver heard the General ask, with a scrutinizing look at Tom. Not with any humorous intent more with the manner of a presiding officer at a court-martial, determined to establish certain essential facts. "As a clock, General.

John's, and there reported the robbery to the police. The police calmed them with promises, and in time sent officers to Nap Harbor armed with search-warrants. Needless to say, the jewels and money were not found. Captain McTavish did not return to Nolan's Cove to salve the cargo of his ship, for the agent in St. John's explained to him that the task would be a profitless one.

Groot Willem and McTavish pushed on promptly to follow the spoor, while men were sent back to the glen for a supply of ammunition, etcetera, in case of a prolonged search becoming necessary. The search was ably planned and vigorously carried out; but all in vain.

"They got the other manager that way," McTavish vouchsafed. "And a dashed fine chap he was. Blew his brains out all over the veranda. You noticed that dark stain there between the steps and the door?" Bertie was ripe for the cocktail which Mr. Harriwell pitched in and compounded for him; but before he could drink it, a man in riding trousers and puttees entered.

Mr Fraser, who was the most active of the party, said that he should go to the further end of the island and work his way back; that he was determined to kill some birds, if he couldn't knock over a cow. "Remember," whispered Mark to me, "that I shall slip away; and you do the same, and come and join me." To this I agreed. Mr McTavish and I went away to the right.

With that the jailer came out to my grandfather. "'Mr. McTavish, says he, taking off his hat, 'you are a free man, and I'm glad of it. Then he told him what Tougal had done. "'I hope you will not have any hard feelings toward me, Mr. McTavish, said the jailer; and a decent man he wass, for all that there wass not a drop of Hielan' blood in him.

For the better sort of Newbern, despite conscientious warnings for which they paid John McTavish huge sums, would insist upon pressing the ball in the face of constant proof that thus treated it would slice into the rough to cuddle obscurely at the roots of tall grass. Wilbur Cowan became a shrewd hunter and a successful merchandiser of golf balls but slightly used.

That made him furious, and he slammed the door when he left. So you knew all along?" "Yes Mrs. Nevis MacNish McTavish, I did; and when you had the faint spell in the chapel, I almost proposed then. I tell you, your voice and your face, and the way you walked oh, they did for this young man on the spot! Do you know how much hunger and longing and loving can be crowded into a few days? I do.

His keen eyes had been searching the crowd. Now they came back to the plain face of Abe, whose jaws were working busily on the wreck of the end of a cigar. He lowered his voice to a confidential tone. "There's a big outfit of stuff aboard for Murray McTavish, of Fort Mowbray. Has he an outfit here to haul it? Is he still around Leaping Horse?" Abe's eyes widened.

I asked, rather loudly. Angus McNeil instantly cut short the "Lament," rose from his chair, and faced us. "Aleck McTavish, who have you with you?" he called imperiously. "My young cousin from the city, Mr. McNeil," said McTavish, with deference. "Bring him in. I wish to spoke with you, Aleck McTavish. The young man that is not acquaint with the name of Great Godfrey McNeil can come with you.