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Updated: August 11, 2024

"Nothing wrong, I hope, Dougall," said I with some anxiety, on observing that the man was perspiring and panting vehemently. "No, no, nothin' wrong, Muster Maxby, only it's runnin' aboot the wuds I've been, lookin' for ye an' skirlin' like a pair o' pipes.

I have made up my mind that, God willing, I shall quit the service not that I find fault with it, very much the reverse; but it is too much of a life of exile and solitude to my dear Jessie. I will also go to Colorado and join Maxby, but I won't take your sister from you. I will take you with me, brother-in-law, if you will consent to go, and we shall all live together. What say you?"

"There seems to be nothing stay! what's this? why, I thought it was a big book, but, yes, it is a packet for you, Mr Maxby there!" My heart leaped into my mouth almost out of it as I received a thick packet wrapped in newspaper.

He was very low all day on Maxby's sister's wedding-day, and afterwards was thought to favour Maxby more than ever, though he had been expected to spite him. He has been dead these twenty years. Poor fellow!

I had not only swallowed, but nearly choked with a tendency to laugh at the lugubrious expression of my friends' faces. "Where am I?" said I, on recovering a little, "What has happened?" "Oo ay, Muster Maxby," answered Dougall, with his wonted nasal drawl; "somethin' hess happened, but it's no sae pad as what might hev happened, whatever."

You have already, as I am aware, sent in your resignation. Well, you will not only quit the service of the HBC, but you will go and join your friend Maxby in Colorado; you will become a farmer; and, worst of all, you will take my dear sister with you." "In some respects," said Lumley, also becoming serious, "you are right.

You know that I am entitled to a year's furlough this spring. Well, I wrote during the winter to say that I intended to avail myself of it. Now, then, this is what I intend to do. When you retire, and go off to the States, I will go with you on leave of absence. We won't lose time by the way, for you may depend on it that Maxby will not delay his wedding longer than he can help.

"Ye've no need to trouble yoursel', Muster Maxby," said Dougall, "we've brought the new dowg-sleigh for 'ee." Looking in the direction in which he pointed, I observed not far-off the splendid new dog-sleigh which we had spent much time in making and painting that winter. Our fine team of four semi-wolf dogs, gay with embroidered harness as they lay curled up on the snow, were attached to it.

You know there is nothing to tie you to the old country; you were always fond of the idea of emigrating to the backwoods; your small income will go twice as far here as there, if properly laid out, and you'll live twice as long. Come, dear dad, if you love me. I can't get married till you come. Ever believe me, your affectionate son George Maxby."

"Good Jessie and I will have the knot tightened a little on the same day by the same man." "Wind and weather permitting," said Macnab, with his wonted irreverence. "Now, Maxby, my boy, take us into the house, and introduce us to old Mrs Liston. But what splendid creature is this coming towards us?" "Why that's Aunt Temple," I whispered, as she came forward.

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