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Updated: August 1, 2024

The ultimate word is I LIKE. It lies beneath philosophy, and is twined about the heart of life. When philosophy has maundered ponderously for a month, telling the individual what he must do, the individual says, in an instant, "I LIKE," and does something else, and philosophy goes glimmering.

Old Gaffer Martin Fulford had muttered in his bed that such pomp had not been the way in the time of the true old royal blood, and that display had come in with the upstart slips of the Red Rose as he still chose to style the Tudors; and he maundered away about the beauty and affability of Edward the Fourth till nobody could understand him, and Perronel only threw in her "ay, grandad," or "yea, gaffer," when she thought it was expected of her.

Potts maundered moralities upon 'life, holding the thing in his hand, weighing it, eyeing the muzzle.

He maundered on to us about how horse-cars was running on Broadway when he left and how they hardly bothered to light the lamps north of Forty-second Street, and he wished he could have some fish balls like the old Sinclair House used to have for its free lunch, and how in them golden days people that had been born right here in New York was seen so frequently that they created no sensation.

He insisted on a certain amount of light, and, leaning on Robert's arm, went feebly round the bookshelves. He took out one of the volumes of the Fathers that Newman had given him. 'When I think of the hours I wasted over this barbarous rubbish, he said, his blanched fingers turning the leaves vindictively, 'and of the other hours I maundered away in services and self-examination!

"I suppose I may," acceded Diana, with a hard smile. "There, Gervase it is not hard to say," as if she were humouring him. He did not ask for any more favours or rights, but maundered a little on nobody calling him Gervase for many a day except his aunt Tabby, and she contracted it to Jarvie, which had a stage-coach flavour. "Tell me something about your aunt Tabby.

"I don't feel sure here on this cussed land. It ain't like a deck where a man has some show. They can scatter. They can hide. It ain't right to put a man ashore alone with such a crew. I'm doing my best, but it ain't goin' to be good enough. I wisht we were safe in 'Frisco harbour " He would have maundered on, but I seized his arm and led him out of possible hearing of the men. "Here, buck up!"

"Bart Stirling," he maundered, "you've made an enemy for life. Look out for me! You're a marked man after this." "What am I marked with," inquired Bart quickly "burnt cork?" "Hey! What?" blurted out Lem, and Bart saw that the shot had struck the target. Wacker looked sickly, and muttered something to himself. Then he took himself off.

Being stone-broke when you go on board doesn't matter if you ship forward; but aft, to start with bare pockets may get you a bad name. I had maundered out to the Campo Santo that last day, and on the road back, just after passing through the walls, an Englishman who had lost himself asked the way to the market-place.

There, dear old Miss Newton saved me yes, she did most unconsciously, dear old soul. Don't you remember how Griff used to say she maundered over the text. Well, she did it all the way home in my ear, as she clung to my arm "Be strong, and He shall comfort thine heart."

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