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We didn't get a thing out of her beyond what we knew when we went there, and I'm going to keep clear of that shanty of hers in future. It may be your father's turn next, or mine." "That is what I am afraid of," said Tom honestly. "And that is the reason I want to hang around and see Marcy alone to ask if he saw anything of those Union men last night."

While Marcy talked he was looking through one of the papers Captain Burrows had left behind for the account of that famous fight in Hampton Roads, and when he found it he read it aloud.

"That vial contains my charm; and a most potent one it is," said the sailor gravely. "If you don't quit your nonsense and come to the point, I will leave you and go into the house," said Marcy angrily. "I'll bet you won't. This thing is getting interesting now, and it will not be long before it will be more so," answered Jack. "Look at that!"

Crampton, same date, to same effect. H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-third Cong., Second Sess., p. 3. Mr. Soulé to Mr. Marcy, November 10, and December 23, 1853, and January 20, 1854. The correspondence relating to the Black Warrior case and to the Ostend conference is contained in H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-third Cong., Second Sess. Sen. Report No. 351, Thirty-fifth Cong., Second Sess., Vol. Sen. Ex.

"Going to stow dis yere dunnage of mine in de fo'castle," replied Julius, without stopping. "Well, come back. You can't go this trip." "Ain't I going to sea with Marse Marcy?" said Julius, who was almost ready to cry. "Not this trip, I tell you. You are an Abolitionist, and we can't trust you.

The two vessels drifted toward each other, broadside on, and the breeze was so light that the Hattie was almost helpless; but the stranger was well handled; her huge paddle wheels, which up to this moment had hung motionless in the water, began to turn backward, and presently Marcy let go his desperate clutch upon the stay to which he was clinging, and drew a long breath of relief.

It was the 3d of October when the boy corporals and myself, mounted on sturdy Mexican ponies, rode out of Fort Marcy for our new station, one hundred miles due west.

But how do you know that he did not reward your fidelity by giving you some of his own money?" "No, he didn't, sir!" exclaimed Marcy. "Captain Beardsley doesn't reward anybody unless he thinks he sees a chance to make something by it, and neither does he pay out a cent of his own when he can take what he needs from the pockets of some one else.

At the end of it Kate Marcy came out of her room, crossed the street, and knocked at the door of Mr. Bentley's library. Hodder happened to be there. "Come in," Mr. Bentley said. She entered, breathless, pale. Her eyes, which had already lost much of the dissipated look, were alight with exaltation.

"I reckon not," was the boy's answer. "The Federal general, Butler, has declared slaves to be contraband of war, and I don't think they will give Mose up any more than they would surrender a mule they had captured. Now, what do you black ones know about the Home Guards?" The expression of bewilderment that came upon the ebony faces by which he was surrounded prepared Marcy for the reply.