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And he went down the stairs of the Galerie Marchande leading to the Rue de la Barillerie. "Where is Paccard?" "He is waiting for me at la Rousse's, walking up and down the flower market." "And Prudence?" "Also at her house, as my god-daughter." "Let us go there." "Look round and see if we are watched."

We ascend to the Galerie Marchande: the stairway, rebuilt after the fire of 1776, replaced the old flight of stairs at whose feet heralds proclaimed treaties of peace and tournaments, criminals were branded, and books condemned by the Parlement, burned.

"Well, now, Mawse Chawlie, I gwan t' ass you a riddle. If dat is so, den fo' w'y I yeh folks bragg'n 'bout de 'stayt o' s'iety in Eu'ope'?" The mincing drollery with which she used this fine phrase brought another peal of laughter. Nobody tried to guess. "I gwan tell you," said the marchande; "'t is becyaze dey got a 'fixed wuckin' class." She sputtered and giggled with the general ha, ha.

I'll pay Lady Aphrodite. And so the Duke again showered some sovereigns, and returned the shrunken silk to its defrauded owner, who stared, and would have remonstrated, but the Duke turned his back upon him. 'There now, he continued to Lady Aphrodite; 'there is two hundred per cent, profit for you. You are not half a marchande. I will stand here and be your shopman.

There was a word or two more exchanged, and then, after a moment of silence, with a gentle "Eh, bien," and a gesture to which they were accustomed, he stepped away backward, they resumed their hurried walk and talk, and he turned into the rue Bienville. "I tell you," Doctor Keene used to say, "that old woman's a thinker." His allusion was to Clemence, the marchande des calas.

It was the fair fille de chambre I had walked along the Quai de Conti with; Madame de R- had sent her upon some commission to a marchande des modes within a step or two of the Hotel de Modene; and as I had fail'd in waiting upon her, had bid her enquire if I had left Paris; and if so, whether I had not left a letter addressed to her.

M. Grandissime lifted his hat and turned. Frowenfeld sat down. "Bou zou, Miché Honoré!" called the marchande. "Comment to , Clemence?" The merchant waved his hand as he rode away with his companion. "Beau Miché, l

De toutes celles que possède le Turc, c'est la plus considérable; elle est grande, marchande, et située au pied et au nord du mont Olimpoa (Olympe), d'où descend une rivière qui la traverse et qui, se divisant en plusieurs bras, forme comme un amas de petites villes, et contribue

Presently she drew a short step backward, then another, then a third, and then turned and moved away down the avenue of willows, followed for a few steps by the lion and by the laughing comment of the marchande, who stood looking after them with her tray balanced on her head. "Ya, ya! ye connais voudou bien! The old man turned to rejoin his companion.

Zora's delicate nostrils sniffed the faintest perfume of a mystery; but a moment afterwards the Callenders carried her off to Ledoyen's and Longchamps and other indubitable actualities in which she forgot things less tangible. Long afterwards she discovered that the friend was an old woman, a marchande des quatre saisons who sold vegetables in the Place de la République.