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Updated: December 29, 2024
"You aunt is a wardrobe dealer at the Temple; her business is managed by a demoiselle Paccard, the sister of a convict herself a very good girl, known as la Romette. Justice is on the traces of your aunt, and in a few hours we shall have decisive evidence. The woman is wholly devoted to you " "Pray go on, Monsieur le Juge," said Collin coolly, in answer to a pause; "I am listening to you."
And he went down the stairs of the Galerie Marchande leading to the Rue de la Barillerie. "Where is Paccard?" "He is waiting for me at la Rousse's, walking up and down the flower market." "And Prudence?" "Also at her house, as my god-daughter." "Let us go there." "Look round and see if we are watched."
Prudence and Paccard, quaking in presence of the boss, felt like guilty souls in the presence of God.
A suspicion crossed his mind, and he was so imprudent as to ask what had become of the seven hundred and fifty thousand francs, the price of the bond. Paccard, Asie, and Europe looked at each other so strangely that Monsieur de Nucingen left the house at once, believing that robbery and murder had been committed.
M. N 's party began to descend, and we heard Paccard talking rapidly to him. The inclination became so steep that we perceived neither him nor his guides, though we were bound together by the same rope.
She tried four trades, of which the most successful was that of a "super" at a minor theatre. She was picked up by Paccard, and to him she told her woes. Paccard, Jacques Collin's disciple and right-hand man, spoke of this girl to his master, and when the master needed a slave he said to Prudence: "If you will serve me as the devil must be served, I will rid you of Durut."
Prudence and Paccard went off at once, with the promptitude of two honest folks transformed into robbers. "My child," said Carlos to Asie, as soon as she had said three words, "find some letter of Esther's while I write a formal will, and then take the copy and the letter to Girard; but he must be quick. The will must be under Esther's pillow before the lawyers affix the seals here."
My uncle is a Gascon! I could have no other!" Bixiou and Peyrade were alone, so no one heard this announcement. Peyrade rolled off his chair on to the floor. Paccard forthwith picked him up and carried him to an attic, where he fell sound asleep.
On reaching the Pierre-Pointue, about ten o'clock, we found there a Spanish tourist, M. N , accompanied by two guides and a porter. His principal guide, Paccard, a relative of the Doctor Paccard who made, with Jacques Balmat, the first ascent of Mont Blanc, had already been to the summit eighteen times. M. N was also getting himself ready for the ascent.
Has Lucien had my instructions? And if ill-luck will have it that he is cross-questioned, how will he carry it off? Poor boy, and I have brought him to this! It is that rascal Paccard and that sneak Europe who have caused all this rumpus by collaring the seven hundred and fifty thousand francs for the certificate Nucingen gave Esther.
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