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Updated: January 22, 2025

As their comrades fell, they passed over them unheedingly, and still kept on a sublime sight to look upon, in their wild Arab costumes, shouting, "Zou! zou!" bounding like tigers, clearing obstructions, and sweeping straight to the breastwork with their deadly bayonets. "What is it?" asked Atwater, faintly. "Victory!" answered Frank; for the firing ceased the enemy were flying. "That's enough!"

In the month before the pilgrimage, they visited some other neighbouring fairs, namely, those of Okath, the market of the tribe of Kenane; of Medjna and Zou el Medjaz; the markets of the tribe of Hodeyl; and of Hasha, that of the Beni Lazed.

And zif zou like to here how the mele comethe out of the trees, I shalle seye zou.

I have not ben in that contree, ne be tho weyes: but I have ben at other londes, that marchen to tho contrees; and in the lond of Russye, and in the lond of Nyflan, and in the reme of Crako, and of Letto, and in the reme of Daresten, and in manye other places, that marchen to the costes: but I wente never be that weye to Jerusalem; wherfore I may not wel telle zou the manere.

And schortly to seye zou; thei suffren so grete peynes and so harde martyrdomes, for love of here ydole, that a Cristene man, I trowe, durst not taken upon him the tenthe part of the peyne, for love of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.

Now I will get back to the afternoon that Miss Goldy-hair came to have tea with us. When Sarah had taken away the tea-things and made the room look quite neat, the boys began to think it was time that they got a little of Miss Goldy-hair's attention. "Miss 'Doldy-hair," said Racey, clambering up on her knee, "zou promised us a story."

There were few paths, and they groped their way through woods and undergrowth, wading through morasses, and tearing their way through tangled thickets to get at the enemy's front. The advance was slow, but steady, until the open field before the forts was reached; then a change was ordered, led by the famous Hawkins Zouaves, who rushed madly upon the fort, shouting their war cry of Zou, zou, zou!

"You came to see your boy," he said; "he does his duty like a hero. "I am glad of it," she answered, "but what an awful place this is to get at!" And she described her journey, as she called it, and then asked why no one seemed to know Etienne there. "Because," said the blacksmith, "he is called Zou Zou here, as his hair is cut short as a Zouave's."

M. Grandissime lifted his hat and turned. Frowenfeld sat down. "Bou zou, Miché Honoré!" called the marchande. "Comment to , Clemence?" The merchant waved his hand as he rode away with his companion. "Beau Miché, l

Be the which I seye zou certeynly, that men may envirowne alle the erthe of alle the world, as wel undre as aboven, and turnen azen to his contree, that hadde companye and schippynge and conduyt: and alle weyes he scholde fynde men, londes, and yles, als wel as in this contree.

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