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Next instant, it stood at Kim's elbow, full to within half an inch of the brim the white cloth only showing, by a small wrinkle, where it had slid into place. 'Wah! said Kim in most utter amazement. 'That is magic. Lurgan Sahib's smile showed that the compliment had gone home. 'Throw it back. 'It will break. 'I say, throw it back. Kim pitched it at random.

In a little while he will go away again. But now he is at school at a new madrissah and thou shalt be his teacher. Play the Play of the Jewels against him. I will keep tally. The child dried his tears at once, and dashed to the back of the shop, whence he returned with a copper tray. 'Give me! he said to Lurgan Sahib. 'Let them come from thy hand, for he may say that I knew them before.

Lurgan Sahib had a hawk's eye to detect the least flaw in the make-up; and lying on a worn teak-wood couch, would explain by the half-hour together how such and such a caste talked, or walked, or coughed, or spat, or sneezed, and, since 'hows' matter little in this world, the 'why' of everything. The Hindu child played this game clumsily.

'But since thou hast been permitted to aid me in the matter of a pinch of flour and a little opium and such trifles as I have honoured by using in my art, so will the Gods return a blessing, and he gave it at length, to the man's immense relief. It was one that he had learned from Lurgan Sahib. The lama stared through his spectacles as he had not stared at the business of disguisement.

Lurgan Sahib operated as support in reserve. 'The pony is made finished mouthed and paced, Sahib! From now on, day by day, he will lose his manners if he is kept at tricks. Drop the rein on his back and let go, said the horse-dealer. 'We need him. 'But he is so young, Mahbub not more than sixteen is he? 'When I was fifteen, I had shot my man and begot my man, Sahib.

'With Mahbub, I ate Mahbub's bread, or Lurgan Sahib's. At St Xavier's, three meals a day. Here I must jolly-well look out for myself. Besides, I am not in good training. How I could eat a plate of beef now! ... Is it finished, Holy One? The lama, both hands raised, intoned a final blessing in ornate Chinese. 'I must lean on thy shoulder, said he, as the temple gates closed.

'And I will see that thou art well taught, said Lurgan Sahib, still speaking in the vernacular, 'for except my boy here it was foolish of him to buy so much white arsenic when, if he had asked, I could have given it except my boy here I have not in a long time met with one better worth teaching.

If I withdraw him by order now what will he do, think you? I have never before assisted at the teaching of such an one. 'He will come to me, said Mahbub promptly. 'Lurgan Sahib and I will prepare him for the Road. 'So be it, then. For six months he shall run at his choice. But who will be his sponsor? Lurgan slightly inclined his head.

The old lady thinks I am permanent fixture here, but I shall go away with these straight off immediately. Mr Lurgan will be proud man. You are offeecially subordinate to me, but I shall embody your name in my verbal report. It is a pity we are not allowed written reports. We Bengalis excel in thee exact science. He tossed back the key and showed the box empty. 'Good. That is good.

He's in yarak Plumed to the very point so manned, so weathered... Give him the firmament God made him for, And what shall take the air of him? Gow's Watch Lurgan Sahib did not use as direct speech, but his advice tallied with Mahbub's; and the upshot was good for Kim.