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Phrases in the Cynthia, like Tum mihi constantis deiecit lumina fastus Et caput impositis pressit Amor pedibus, or Qui non ante patet donec manus attigit ossa, are in the essential spirit of Meleager, and, though not verbally copied from him, have the precise quality of his rhythms and turns of phrase.

He would have been informed of his wife tearing out the eyes of King Odrysius with her finger-nails, "digitos in perfida lumina condit." Soon after this, losing all appearance of woman, she became a bitch, Perdidit infelix, hominis post omnia formam, and rent the heavens with her howlings, Externasque novo latratu terruit auras.

Probably in the majority of instances there is insufficient obstruction of the lumina of vessels to provoke noticeable inconvenience. Or, if circulation is hampered to the extent that function is impaired and manifestations are observed by the driver, the subject may be permitted to rest a few days and partial resolution occurs, so that further trouble is not noticeable.

"Caerula quis stupuit lumina? flavam Caesariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirro? Nempe quod haec illis natura est omnibus una," writes Juvenal of their resemblance to one another. By the year 1411 long strides had been made toward other forms of social, political, religious, and commercial life, due to the German grip upon Europe.

I shall now endeavour to sift out the rubbish from this patristic and legendary heap, and perhaps we shall find more of value than at present appears. The story of his being deprived of sight by Castor and Pollux for defaming their sister Helen is mentioned by many classical writers. Adempta vati redidere lumina.

Hunt out second volume of Kames's "History of Man," passage containing Reid's Logic, don't know where the book is! How does the line beginning Lumina conjurent, inter something, end? Is it in Grey? See. Fracastorius writes: Quantum hoe infecit vitium, quot adiverit urbes. Query, ought it not, in strict grammar, to be injecerit, instead of infecit? If you don't know, write to father.

"Ast alii pictis accendant lumina ceris". S. Paulinus Nat. VI. S Felicis Pierin del Vaga, whom Vasari considered as the most distinguished of Raffaello's assistants, was originally nothing more than a candlepainter.

Then may we hope that even Africa, though last of all the quarters of the globe, shall enjoy at length, in the evening of her days, those blessings which have descended so plentifully upon us in a much earlier period of the world. Non primus equis oriens afflavit anhelis, illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

And in a corner-house, your highness think of that! That makes each influence of double strength. WALLENSTEIN. And sun and moon, too, in the Sextile aspect, The soft light with the vehement so I love it. Sol is the heart, Luna the head of heaven, Bold be the plan, fiery the execution. SENI. And both the mighty Lumina by no Maleficus affronted. Lo! Saturnus, Innocuous, powerless, in cadente Domo.

At the Muehburger gate stood an arch of triumph under which she passed. In front of the arch was this inscription: Pro Imperatrice Josephina; on the other, Votiva lumina ardent. At the entrance of the castle gate stood a little temple bearing this inscription: Salve.