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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Then I felt mighty sorry to think of lugging that poor old man all that ways. "'Here! says I. 'Now you sit down again; don't you do anything of the sort you ain't fit. "He put his hand on my shoulder and hobbled his weight off the game leg.

"What an idiot that cabman is!" he exclaimed, intensely annoyed at the prospect of lugging his heavy suit case to a Madison Avenue car and traveling with it to Harlem. He looked up and down the dimly lighted street; east, an electric car glided down Madison Avenue; west, the lights of Fifth Avenue glimmered against the dark foliage of the Park.

He arrived at the palace almost as soon as the Scarecrow, lugging a giant silver watering can, and, sitting calmly on the steps of the throne, fanned himself with his hat. The Scarecrow eyed the watering can with satisfaction. "Now let them have their old fireworks," he muttered under his breath, and settled himself comfortably.

What earthly good does it do your man with a pick to ruin a fine moment by lugging him in!" They were all advancing up the avenue now, Sylvia between the two men. They talked at each other across her.

You can see yourself," and here Inspector Val appealed to Richard, "and you no crook at all, that if it ever became a case of lugging out this gold by hand, it would take the gang a week to get away with a half-million. It was when Storri ordered those circular rubber rafts that I fell to it all; it was then I took off my hat to him!"

"Well, I mayn't be as old as them as they; but I think I'm like the walnut tree out there. I still stand up straight, but I fear me I've seen my best days.... There! What are you up to now?" She was lugging and pushing the great porter's chair from its corner. "I don't want that." "It's your chair, so why shouldn't you sit in it at breakfast as well as supper?"

Trunnell," said Chips. "That third mate an' the murderin' devil ain't comin' aboard this here ship. Ef they do, I'll kill them meself whin they comes over th' side." And he arose, lugging out the revolver he had taken from the ruffian at the close of the fight. I stepped into my room and brought forth my own, handing Chips some cartridges for his.

They retreated to an alcove and put their shirts in a safe place, then went to work in their T shirts. Lugging rocks would work up a sweat, and it was chilly underground. The shirts were for use during rest periods. "Let's see how it goes," Scotty invited, and turned off his light. Rick groped for a rock and found a good-sized one. He carried it back and promptly bumped into a wall and dropped it.

The people in the distant motor-car became less distant; soon they stopped in a clearing at the foot of the hill, and before long they appeared at the top with a small hamper of provisions. "Oh, why didn't you ask us to bring something!" cried Cope. Randolph shrugged his shoulders: he saw himself lugging a basket of eatables through five miles of sand and thicket.

On the next Old Faithful, driven to dismounting and laboriously lugging Lightning up by the bridle. But the last zig-zag in front of her called forth piercing shrieks. For the bay mare, not having been ridden for some time, was full of beans.

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