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In October, about the time of the martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer at Oxford, a fresh parliament was summoned, which was called upon to grant a subsidy.

It seems that some little while ago the Admiralty or one of the other Government departments got it into their heads that there were a number of Germans over in England spying out the land in view of a possible row over this Servian business. Latimer was told off amongst others to look into the matter.

"Is it thus you disgrace your manhood by falling upon the defenceless, and by brawling even within hearing of your sovereign? You are not so wondrous valiant in battle, Raoul Latimer, that you can afford to blast the small reputation you have. "Sweet lady, be not afraid; thy king will protect thee from farther insult. "Ha, Arthyn, is it thou, my child?

The most noted reformer of the day was old Hugh Latimer, the King's chaplain, who declaimed against sin with the zeal and fire of Savonarola, and aimed to create a religious life among the people, from whom, he sprung and whom he loved, a rough, hearty, honest, conscientious man, with deep convictions and lofty soul.

At this offer, a strange shyness, and as it were reluctant distrust, seized Maltravers a kind of presentiment of danger and evil. He drew back, and would have made some excuse, but Lady Latimer did not heed his embarrassment, and was already by the side of Lady Florence Lascelles. A moment more, and beckoning to Maltravers, the countess presented him to the lady.

A sharp-faced little hoosier stopped one day to ask for a drink of water when I was away. He stared at her so intently that she was frightened; but he never came again. The child was born. She died." "When it was born," Baird asked, "who cared for her?" "We were alone," answered Latimer. "I did not know whom to call. I read medical books for hours each day I read them.

"Nolla, I didn't tell you that, at all!" cried Polly. "Tom Latimer! Does she know him?" asked Barbara of Anne. "I don't know, Bob; Paul and he are great friends of John Brewster's, you know." Polly would not deign to look at Eleanor again, and took the homeward trail without another word as she felt pained at her newly found friend's mis-statement of facts.

It was but a few days later that Latimer saw him standing on a street corner staring at him as he himself approached. It was his curious intentness which attracted Latimer. He did not recognise his face. He had not seen him more than once in the days so long gone by, and had then cast a mere abstracted glance at him.

You know, Mag, what it would have meant to Latimer if I had done what Tom's eye said. I thought at first I had done it it passed through my mind so quick; the sweet words I'd say the move I'd make the quick knocking-up of the pistol, and then It was that that sight of Tom, big Tom Dorgan, with rage in his heart and death in his hand, leaping on that cripple's body it made me sick!

Only one or two were wounded in our battery, the proximity of Latimer's guns drawing the fire to them. Near the close of the engagement, Latimer, who was a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, a mere youth in appearance, was killed. The artillery contest was a small part of the afternoon's work.