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‘No,’ said I; ‘though, from what I have seen of them, I should say they are tolerably able to fight for themselves.’ ‘You won’t fight for them,’ said the Radical triumphantly; ‘I thought so; all bullies, especially those of the aristocracy, are cowards. Here, landlord,’ said he, raising his voice, and striking against the table with the jug, ‘some more alehe won’t fight for his friends.’

For this year I have principally supported myself by the help of my landlord, and by pawning everything of value I have left.... Lay awake in misery. Threatened on all sides. Doubtful whether to apply to the Insolvent Court to protect me, or let ruin come. Improved the picture, and not having a shilling, sent out a pair of my spectacles, and got five shillings for the day.

The county makes him a magistrate on account of his numerous distinguished services; he receives the freedom of the city for the same reason; and, finally, the only daughter of a most distinguished patrician family, impressed by the gallant soldier's noble qualities, consents to become his wife; and thus the general, as citizen and magistrate, as husband and landlord, becomes rooted by the strongest ties to the soil which it is his duty as a soldier to defend.

"And I showed them the way to our own doctor Dr. Tretheway. And as a result of what he said to them, I heard them decide to break up their journey into stages, as you might term it. They left here for Bristol that afternoon to stay the night there." "You're sure of that? Bristol?" asked Gilling. "Ought to be," replied the landlord, with laconic assurance.

The final payment of this rise of wages, therefore, would, in this case, fall upon the landlord, together with the additional profit of the farmer who had advanced it.

If you will order me a mutton chop and a pint of sherry, I shall be obliged." "Certainly, sir." "And I shall be still more obliged if you will favor me with a few minutes' conversation before you do so." "With very great pleasure, sir," the landlord answered, good-naturedly.

I was putting up my letters in high spirits, and was just leaving the picture-dealer's shop to look out for comfortable lodgings, when I was met at the door by the landlord of one of the largest hotels in Liverpool an old acquaintance whom I had known as manager of a tavern in London in my student days. "Mr. Kerby!" he exclaimed, in great astonishment.

I might have chanced upon an empty house. In the darkness there was nothing to suggest the contrary. What was I to do? Well, if the house was empty, in such a plight as mine I might be said to have a moral, if not a legal, right, to its bare shelter. Who, with a heart in his bosom, would deny it me? Hardly the most punctilious landlord.

Truefitt's house," he said, slowly. Mr. Catesby pondered. "Truefitt, Truefitt," he repeated; "what sort of a woman is she?" "Widder-woman," said the landlord; "she lives there with 'er daughter Prudence." Mr. Catesby said "Indeed!" and being a good listener learned that Mrs.

The landlord waited on him. The honest host of the Arondelle Arms was "dying," so to speak, for a confidential conversation with his noble guest.