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The jealousy of the Japanese, however, soon revived; so that by the end of the seventeenth century, the lucrative commerce which the Dutch carried on with this island for fine tea, porcelaine, lacquered or Japan ware, silk, cotton, drugs, coral, ivory, diamonds, pearls, and other precious stones, gold, silver, fine copper, iron, lead, and tin; and in exchange for linen, and woollen cloths, looking-glasses, and other glass ware; and the merchandize of India, Persia, and Arabia, was almost annihilated.

Therefore, all joking aside, a house of a hundred rooms might do for us nicely! How lovely they are, these one-story stone houses, with their tiled roofs, red lacquered doors, fine, delicate carvings on the window-lattices, and all the rest of it! The floors are of stone, but foreigners have wooden floors laid down.

Thus, with his father asleep in the lacquered bed, and his mother smiling in her gilded frame, the son stood alone in the great shell of a house which had in it no beating heart, no throbbing soul to answer his need. Derry's rooms were furnished in a lower key than those in which his father's taste had been followed.

Had she not absented herself in like manner the year before at the same date thus enabling an upholsterer to drape artistically her little salon with beautiful thick silk tapestries which had just been imported from the East? Her idea was that this year she might find a certain lacquered screen which she coveted. The Baroness belonged to her period; she liked Japanese things.

The trees were grouped in clusters, with the pretentious grace shown on lacquered trays. Large rocks sprang up in exaggerated shapes, side by side with rounded, lawn-like hillocks; all the incongruous elements of landscape were grouped together as if artificially created.

The house telephone, standing on the long and gracefully designed desk with its elaborately lacquered top, whirred. Mary started from her reverie in her chair by the fire. By the clock on the mantelshelf she saw that it was a quarter past eight. She remembered that once her mother had knocked at her door and bidden her come down to dinner.

Bronson, following Derry, came back in a half hour with a dry, "Is there anything I can do for you, Miss Merritt?" and then the house was still. And now Hilda was alone with the old man in the lacquered bed. There would be no interruptions until morning.

In one of the temples we walked through littered débris of rich carvings, kicked against the broken heads and hands of gilded gods fallen from the altars, and brushed against the loosened shreds of old paintings swaying in tatters from the walls. One building contained the remains of a once beautiful fountain, painted and lacquered, now moldering and fallen into dust.

Taking it out of a pretty little lacquered box, she held it up in the air and blinked her eyes, looking through it at the sky a bright summer sky as one does to examine the quality of a precious stone. "Here is," she said, "an object of great value that you should offer to your little wife." My mousme, very much taken by it, admired the clearness of the comb and its graceful shape.

And, obedient, he went out and shut the door, taking the white patch of moonlight with him. So Joan, having waited, behind an obstinately locked door, for his departure, came out at noon and found herself in the small, gay house alone. She sat in one of the lacquered chairs and saw after a long while that the Chinaman was looking at her. Wen Ho, it seemed, had been given instructions.