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He and no one else has it in safe keeping, and if you do not hurry up, the old man might die, and we can look on." The marquis sighed. This was not the first time Madeleine provoked him against Pierre Labarre, but the old man had disappeared since the death of his master, and it required a long time before Simon, the worthy assistant of the marquis, found out his residence.

Therefore no one could have been chosen more suitable for putting down the rebels, for forcing their entrenchments, and for putting them to flight." Hardly had he taken up a position in the market town of Labarre, which was to be his headquarters, than he was informed that a gathering of fanatics had been seen on the little plain of Fondmorte, which formed a pass between two valleys.

A quarter of a league from shore a vessel awaits us. Come, Fanfar, there is no time to lose, you know that you start for America to-night." There was a long silence. Labarre entered. "Marquis," he said, "it is time." There was a startled exclamation. Whom did he salute by this title? Fanfar rose. "Do not call me by this name. I am Jacques, the adopted son of Simon Fougère." Irène went to him.

The girl saw him, and said, apologetically: "Pray, do not scold us we mean no harm." "Whoever asks hospitality at this door receives it," answered Labarre. "But tell who you both are." Caillette, for it was she, laid her finger on her lips and whispered low: "She is mad!" Tears came to the old man's eyes. "I beg of you," he asked again, "to tell me who this woman is."

But he had reckoned without his host; with a shove Pierre Labarre threw the audacious rascal to the ground, and the next minute the heavy old table lay between him and his enemies. Thereupon the old man took a pistol from the wall, and, cocking the trigger, cried: "Vicomte Talizac, we still have an old score to settle!

The friends, after Fanfar's body was removed, decided on reflection that Cyprien was the sole person who could aid them. At first he refused to give them the smallest information, but finally he was made to speak. They went to the Hôtel de Fongereues, but the sad party had left for Alsace. Two leagues away they were overtaken however. Labarre was told the whole truth.

One observing his manner and hearing his tone would have realized that quarry had broken cover and that Mr. Blanchard had not been able to confuse the trail by dragging across it an anise-bag; in fact, Morrison had said so over the telephone just before he hung up. "Get me Cooper of the Waverly, Finitter of the Lorton Looms, Labarre of the Bleachery, Sprague of the Bates."

"Here, this note must be brought at once to Count Fernando de Velletri," he said to Baptiste. "Wait for an answer and bring it at once to me; you will find me in the court-house." While the servant was hurrying away, the marquis hastily put on a cloak, and left the house with Labarre.

"Has she really found Jacques again?" asked Labarre, tremblingly, and turning to Caillette. "Is he living?" "Yes, he is the same person as Fanfaro." "God be praised. And Louison?" "Louison has been abducted and " "Abducted? By whom?" "By the Vicomte of Talizac." "By Talizac? O my God!" stammered Labarre, in horror.

Jules Fougeres, your only brother, died the death of a hero, and if the wife and children of the victim did not get burned to death, as was intended, it was not the fault of the instigator of the bloody drama." This time the nobleman did not reply mockingly; pale and trembling he gazed at Pierre Labarre, and cold drops of perspiration stood on his forehead.