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I hear they beat their shirts with a stick once a month, as we dusted the carpets in the old Country. 'We can find nothing, sergeant, said one of the police. 'Remember how Imeson tricked you all at Bendigo, Wallis, with a hollow tent-pole that held ten gallons of brandy. 'I do, Mrs. Kyley. You were Mrs. Imeson then. 'And if you have the luck I may be Mrs. Wallis one of these days.

Mary Kyley, whose gay heart responded readily to the conviviality of her guests, danced at these times, contesting in breathless jigs and reels, displaying amazing agility and a sort of barbaric frenzy, while the men yelled encouragement and applause, the pannikins circulated, and the smoke gathered in a cloud along the ridge-pole.

Ben Kyley became a favourite rendezvous. The girl's good looks and her good and Mrs. Kyley's own breezy, genial disposition, were sufficient to assure a large interest on the part of the men; but Aurora, in taking action against the troopers, had identified herself with the enemies of officialdom. Thenceforth she was a public character.

'Aurora will attend to you, my boy, blared Mrs. Kyley, blowing a storm of suds out of her mop of hair. Aurora!

'Well, you know I'll do it. 'I reckoned you would. You see, I've been thinkin' of marryin' my wife, an' I'd like you to be bes' man. 'You've been thinking! cried Mary. 'No, Jimmy, I've been doing the thinking: Kyley merely agrees. One of these days we're going to build a big hotel in Ballarat, and settle down.

'Your license, Mr. Ephraim Smith. The license was handed up, and found correct. 'You had too much discretion to burn your license with the rest of the seditious blackguards, at any rate, Mr. Smith. As it happens. 'And your ruffianly husband, Mrs. Kyley?

Jim, who had a real liking for the cheerful young Irishman, evaded the awkward blow aimed at his head, and stood back, and Ben Kyley saved further trouble by seizing Tim and hustling him into a corner. 'I'm the on'y man what's permitted to punch the customers in this tent, said Ben. At the same time Mrs.

Jim went to Melbourne, and a quiet trip and the change improved him considerably. When he returned again there was a letter from Mary Kyley, It was brief: 'DEAR JIMMY, 'We are at Tarrangower. Joy is back with us, well and strong again, and as pretty as a picture; but the mischief is she doesn't forget the boy who isn't fit to kiss the boots she wears meaning your self, you scamp!

The Kyley establishment consisted of a tent some fifty feet long, divided into two compartments with a canvas partition. This screen ran just behind the counter, and through it Mrs. Kyley dived to replenish her jug of rum; but that room at the back represented the sanctity of the Kyley home-life, and to it the diggers never penetrated.

'Do I pay a girl the wages of a princess to run a temperance meeting among my customers? she cried. 'Go away, Mother Kyley, an' work yer own ould shebang, replied Aurora, 'or else bring me fiddle wid ye, an' give us a step on the turf! 'Not a step will I. 'Then I'll lave divil a man in the shanty, dthrunk or dthry!