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Very soon, the sun was obscured by ever-thickening clouds, John happened to provoke the antipathy of a lout in his form known as Lubber Sprott. Sprott began to persecute him with a series of petty insults and injuries. He accused him of "sucking up" to a lord, of putting on "lift" because he was the youngest boy in the Upper Remove, of kow-towing to the masters and so forth.

"Illustrious demon," he cried at length, kow-towing very respectfully, "have the extreme amiableness to be of a benevolent disposition, and do not take an unworthy and entirely unremunerative revenge upon this very unimportant person for failing to detect and honour you from the beginning." "Such words indicate nothing beyond an excess of hemp spirit," answered Ling, with signs of displeasure.

We must for ever be kow-towing to the cackling geese around us. We're so terrified lest they should hiss us." The street was empty. They were pacing it slowly, up and down. "I've always been a coward," he continued. "I fell in love with you the first day I met you on the stairs. But I dared not tell you." "You didn't give me that impression," answered Joan.

" And old Hambly kow-towing like a Puss-in-Boots till I could have wrung his neck for him and you weakenin' and playin' gentility as you picked it up, like another cat after a mouse and myself the only one left to show 'em plain that we weren't to be put upon yes, and after you'd hoped, up to the very door, that whatever happened, I'd take a proper stand!"

New surroundings; continuous and petty satisfactions to vanity; the kow-towing of doorkeepers in Congress; the flattery of visitors from here, there and everywhere who came with requests for passes to admit them to the galleries; the sense of being treated as a comrade by celebrities, whose names his father had always mentioned with bated breath; the "honorable" always written before his name; all Alcira speaking to him with affectionate familiarity; this rubbing elbows, on the benches of the conservative majority, with a battalion of dukes, counts and marquises young men who had become deputies to round out the distinction conferred by beautiful sweethearts or winning thoroughbreds, all this had intoxicated him, filled his mind completely, crowding out all other thoughts, and persuading him that he had been completely cured.

"What's he hanging around here for?" he demanded when Rodney, having bent over Marion's hand and kissed it, had gone away. "If he could see that bare spot on the top of his head he'd stop all that kow-towing." "You're being rather vulgar, aren't you?" Marion had said. "He's a very old friend and a very dear one." "Probably in love with you once, like all the rest?"

Only those events are significant which derive from or apply to the soul in its full integrity. To go kow-towing before the facts of change, as gamblers and fortune-readers and fatalists do, is merely a perverting of the soul's proud integral priority, a rearing up of idiotic idols and fetishes.

It was a sight he could hardly endure an exhibition offensive to any soldier whose forbears had learnt to achieve the impossible as a matter of routine and had held firm for half a day at Quatre Bras with never so much as the flicker of an eye-lid. Gad! there could only be one end to this kow-towing to death, and that would be disaster and disgrace.

When you see every one kow-towing to old Jervaise as if he were the angel Gabriel, you begin to feel as if there must be something in it."

"Are you going to be satisfied with a Station Wagon and a Colored Boy when you might have a long-waisted Vehicle with two pale Simpsons in Livery on the Box? When you go into your Club and see the Menials kow-towing to a cold-looking Party with rippling Chins who seems to favor his Feet, you know that he gets the Waving Palms and the Frankincense because he is a Millionaire.