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Updated: August 15, 2024

You will find a friendly welcome at my sister Leukippa's; she lives in the toll-house by the great harbor show her this ring and she will give you a bed, and, if the gods are merciful, one for Irene too." "Thank you, father," said Klea, but she said no more, and then left him with a rapid step.

Easton went on alone and presently accosted a sergeant. "Sergeant, can you tell me whether the trumpeter of your troop was wounded at Abu Klea? Is he here now?" "He was wounded at Abu Klea, sir, though not seriously; but he is not here now, he was one of those missing on the night march, he and Sergeant Bowen.

We have done over forty miles." "We are safe for the present, my lord. It all depends whether or not they think you are a spy. If they come to that conclusion, they will send at once to Abu Klea; and if a strong body is stationed there, they may have sent a party on to Gakdul, or even to El Howeyat, for they will feel sure that we shall make for one of the wells."

Cavalry Brigade and Mounted Forces: MAJOR BURN-MURDOCH Cavalry..... 8 squadrons Camel Corps.... 6 companies Horse Artillery... 1 battery Artillery: MAJOR PARSONS Divisional Troops: MAJOR CURRIE North Staffordshire Regiment.... 1st Battalion The Flotilla: COMMANDER COLVILLE Gunboats... Zafir, Tamai, Abu Klea, Metemma, El Teb Armed Steamers... Kaibar, Dal, Akasha

If only Klea could know beforehand what he had been doing for Irene and their parents she must surely let him see that her haughty eyes could look kindly on him, must offer him her hand in farewell, and then he should clasp it in both his, and press it to his breast.

"The sun is too high and the soulless flowers too humble for a man to hurt them," replied Klea. "But the Roman is neither higher nor lower than I, the eye speaks as plain a language as the tongue, and what his eyes demand of me brings the blood to my cheeks and stirs my indignation even now when I only think of it." "And that is why you avoid his gaze so carefully?" "Who told you that?"

The troop of singers, male and female, came in orderly array, just as they had been assembled for practice, and with them came the faded twins to whom Klea and Irene had been designated as successors by Asclepiodorus. Then came the pupils of the temple-school, tumbling noisily into the court-yard in high delight at this interruption to their lessons.

Their personal hardihood bravely compared with the days of Tamai and Abu Klea. It was when the fight was nearly over that there were evidences of that of which there was so little in the old days, viz., that a large remnant would accept life at our hands. Again, as the sequel showed, the Sirdar's star was in the ascendant. Everything was in readiness in our camp by 5 a.m.

The famine became terrible; dogs, donkeys, skins, gum, palm fibre, were devoured by the desperate inhabitants. The soldiers stood on the fortifications like pieces of wood. Hundreds died of hunger daily: their corpses filled the streets; and the survivors had not the strength to bury the dead. On the 20th, the news of the battle of Abu Klea reached Khartoum. The English were coming at last.

If you endure this, if you do not put a stop to this crime you are not worthy nay, I will not be interrupted you, I say, are unworthy of the sacred title and of the reverence you claim, and I will appeal " "Silence, girl!" cried Asclepiodorus to the terribly excited Klea. "I would have you imprisoned with the blasphemers, if I did not well understand the anguish which has turned your brain.

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