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Although the river from Kosheh to Kerma is broken by continual rapids, it is, with one interval, freely navigable at half Nile. The Amara Cataract, ten miles beyond Kosheh, is easily ascended by sailing boats with a fair wind, and by steamers without assistance. From Amara to the Kaibar Cataract stretches a reach of sixty-five miles of open water.

Four of these vessels the Tamai, El Teb, the Metemma, and the Abu Klea; and three steamers the Kaibar, Dal, and Akasha, which it was proposed to arm had, since 1885, patrolled the river from Assuan to Wady Halfa, and assisted in protecting the frontier from Dervish raids. All seven were now collected at the foot of the Second Cataract, and awaited the rise of the river to attempt the passage.

5 Steamers: The Dal, The Akasha, the Tahra, The Okma, the Kaibar The total strength of the Expeditionary Force amounted to 8,200 British and 17,600 Egyptian soldiers, with 44 guns and 20 Maxims on land, with 36 guns and 24 Maxims on the river, and with 2,469 horses, 896 mules, 3,524 camels, and 229 donkeys, besides followers and private animals.

Cavalry Brigade and Mounted Forces: MAJOR BURN-MURDOCH Cavalry..... 8 squadrons Camel Corps.... 6 companies Horse Artillery... 1 battery Artillery: MAJOR PARSONS Divisional Troops: MAJOR CURRIE North Staffordshire Regiment.... 1st Battalion The Flotilla: COMMANDER COLVILLE Gunboats... Zafir, Tamai, Abu Klea, Metemma, El Teb Armed Steamers... Kaibar, Dal, Akasha

The Kaibar Cataract is, during the flood, scarcely any hindrance to navigation; but at Hannek, about thirty miles further on, the three miles of islands, rocks, rapids, and broken water which are called the Third Cataract are, except at high Nile, a formidable barrier, Once this is passed, there is open water for more than 200 miles at all seasons to Merawi.