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Old religious conceptions, the orthodoxy of his kith and kin, were fast tested in the crucible of his mind and flung aside as worthless. The idea of Hell and the old Morrisonian notion of the Hereafter appeared crude and barbarous.

Dick had pulled his brother back out of the grave, and he felt it to be his duty, as well as his pleasure, to devote himself henceforward to the service of the white man who had done this wonderful thing; and finally, when Dick, loath to take the man away from his kith and kin, definitely refused to take him, the Kafir countered by saying, in effect: "Very well; the veldt is free to all, and if you will not permit me to join your party, I can at least follow you at a distance, and be at hand whenever you require my services."

"To me, boy! no; I think that you had better manage that, for you know you are only occasionally at home." "Well, father, be it so," replied Newton, laughing: "but here comes Mr Dragwell and Mr Hilton, to consult with us what ought to be done relative to the effects of poor old Thompson. He has neither kith nor kin, to the ninety-ninth degree, that we can find out."

She drew up wi' Singleside, nae doubt, when she was his housekeeper, and it was a sair vex and grief to a' her kith and kin. But he acknowledged a marriage, and satisfied the kirk; and now I wad ken frae you if we hae not some claim by law? 'Not the shadow of a claim. 'Aweel, we're nae puirer, said Dandie; 'but she may hae thought on us if she was minded to make a testament.

But there are other instances where this whiteness loses all that accessory and strange glory which invests it in the White Steed and Albatross. What is it that in the Albino man so peculiarly repels and often shocks the eye, as that sometimes he is loathed by his own kith and kin! It is that whiteness which invests him, a thing expressed by the name he bears.

Hazleby and her eldest daughter continued for some time to expatiate upon the beauty and good qualities of Fido, as well as those of all his kith and kin. He was not, however, very cordially welcomed by anyone at the Vicarage; for Mr.

You see, Hathaway, I have constituted myself, after a certain fashion, I may say still, her guardian. I am an old man, with neither kith nor kin myself, sir I'm a little too old-fashioned for the boys over there" with a vague gesture towards the west, which, however, told Paul how near it still was to him. "But then, among the old fogys here blank it all! it isn't noticed.

"He has a residence rent free, and two hundred drachmae a month." "That is not so very little. What is the man's name, and of what kith and kin is he?" "He is called Keraunus, and is of ancient Macedonian descent.

You stop hours at little villages, the exhausted and damaged engines surrendered to Serbia by her ex-enemies being hopelessly out of repair and always in trouble. And in these villages you see the bare-footed war-waifs, skulking about in bits of old ruins, children who have lost father and mother and kith and kin, the kind care at best of American relief societies.

Shovelin replied; "as a boy he was wonderfully fearless. As a man, with a sweet wife and a lot of children, he might have begun to be otherwise. But when all those were gone, and only a poor little baby left " "Yes, I suppose I was all that." "Forgive me. I am looking back at you. Who could dream that you would ever even live, without kith or kin to care for you?