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She panted as she tugged at something that gave with a short "click-click," as of steel fastenings; something fell against the fender.... These also.... She tore at them, and kicked them as they lay about her feet as leaves lie about the trunk of a tree in autumn.... "Ah!"

She was used to quarrels, but this was her first experience of a prolonged estrangement. It had been all very well to box Ellen's ears as a child, and have her shins kicked in return, and then an hour or two later be nursing her on her lap to the tune of "There was an Old Woman," or "Little Boy Blue".... But this dragged out antagonism wore down her spirits into a long sadness.

The younger child had an elbow almost blown off by a bullet; as the elder girl lay wounded on the ground, she was deliberately kicked by a soldier. At Nomeny 40 victims were identified. And now we come to some of the wholesale slaughters.

"It was this way O God, how was it? it was this way you see, me and my mamma and sometimes a friend Cora Jones no no no Cora Kinealy we used to sit in the lamplight no no first, I was in the shoes the children's shoes they used to come in, little kiddies with their toes all kicked out wantin' new shoes cute little baby-shoes that I loved to try on 'em. My friend Cora my friend O God!

They threw themselves on to him, but Grettir struggled so violently that he threw them all off and came down on his hands and knees. Then they threw ropes round his feet. Grettir kicked two of them in the ears and they fell senseless. One came on after the other; long and hard he struggled, but at last they succeeded in getting him down and binding him.

When the horses did get water, two of them rolled, and groaned, and kicked, so that I thought they were going to die; one was a mare, she seemed the worst, another was a strong young horse which had carried me well, the third was my old favourite riding-horse; this time he had only carried the pack, and was badly bogged; he was the only one that did not appear distressed when filled with water, the other two lay about in evident pain until morning.

This knavery must cease, or I'd know the reason why. "The next man who comes here to cart away so much as a single piece is to be kicked out. Do you understand? These things belong to me. Kick him into the river. Or, better still, notify me and I'll do it. Why, if this goes on we'll soon be deprived of anything to sit on or sleep in or eat from!

"Sir, d' ye mind a cove o' the name o' 'Vistling Dick, as got 'isself kicked to death by an 'orse?" "Yes." "And d' ye mind another cove commonly known as 'Dancing Jimmy, and another on 'em as is called 'Bunty Fagan'?" "Yes, they tried to rob me once." "Right, sir, only I scared 'em off, you'll remember.

He hoisted himself over the window-sill into the darkened front room, passed down a short corridor and, when he heard the voice once again on the inside of a door which he found locked, he immediately kicked the door open. He appeared to those in the room, heralded by an amazing crash and flying splinters.

Has the hired girl kicked for another afternoon a week, and who's the latest married man to run away with another woman? That may not be wigwam gossip, but it's all we know in our set; it's all the small-talk I have." The Indian solemnly accepted the preferred hand, studying it curiously as his own brown one shook to Torrance's welcome. "Me spik English," he grunted. Torrance grinned foolishly.