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He fell to thinking again, and attacked the next Frenchman that came into the fo'cas'le with the following: "Kond j'aytay malade don ma tate, kee a pree mon money-belt?" It was the ship's cook this time, and he turned and stared at Jimmy as though he had seen a ghost.

When all was ready, the two men dressed in flannels, corduroys, and high-laced, mountain boots called good-by to Yee Kee, respectfully invited Croesus to proceed, and set out with Czar, the fourth member of the party, flying here and there in such a whirlwind of good spirits that not a shred of his usual dignity was left.

The following year, bumper crops, he netted four thousand. The next year it wan five thousand. And last year he cleaned up nineteen thousand dollars. Pretty good, eh, for old broken-down Chow Lam?" "My!" was all Saxon could say. Her eager interest, however, incited the commission merchant to go on. "Look at Sing Kee the Potato King of Stockton. I know him well.

The Clatsops, Cath lahmahs & War kia coms are the Carriers between those nations being in alliance with both-. The Cow e lis kee river is 150 yards wide, is deep and from Indian information navigable a very considerable distance for canoes. it discharges itself into the Columbia about 3 miles above a remarkable knob which is high and rocky and Situated on the North Side of the Columbia, and Seperated from the Northern hills of the river by a Wide bottom of Several Miles, to which it united.

Mon Kee, a Chinaman that was converted to regular United States religious doctrines, and opened a mission in New York for the purpose of converting more heathens and shethens, has been arrested for stealing. This is a terrible blow, and Mon Kee was a terrible plower.

It shall be the duty of the Sergt. of the guard to keep the kee of the Meat house, and to cause the guard to keep regular fires therein when the same may be necessary; and also once at least in 24 hours to visit the canoes and see that they are safely secured; and shall further on each morning after he is relieved, make his report verbally to the Commandg officers.

This last was addressed to Prince Inga, whom he chucked familiarly under the chin, to the boy's great embarrassment. "Why do you not ride a horse?" asked King Kitticut. "I can't climb upon his back, being rather stout; that's why. Kee, kee, keek, eek! rather stout hoo, hoo, hoo!"

"Hibbert and his kee -I mean, his friend -are still talking earnestly. I wonder if they lock poor Hibbert up part of the time?" Colquitt and young Mr. Hibbert had now turned in at the Eagle Hotel. Dave glanced at his watch, remarking: "Fellows, it's ten minutes after six. Those of you who want any supper will do well to hurry home."

Wilders hailed a native boat, and, without condescending to notice the orderly further, she seated herself in the stern-sheets and was rowed off to the Arcadia. "Mariquita! Ma ri kee tah!" A woman's voice, shrill and quavering, with an accent of anger that increased each time the summons was repeated.

The tramp was now kneeling upon the prostrate boy's chest, at the same time trying to wrench a watch from Dick's vest pocket. "Keep still there, or I'll knock you on the bead!" cried the tramp, as, letting go of the watch chain, he clapped a dirty hand over Dick's mouth. "I won't kee keep still!" spluttered Dick. "Let me up!" "You will keep still if you know what is best for you.