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Updated: August 5, 2024

I searched the Shass and a heap of Shaalotku-Tshuvos. I went and consulted the Maggid and Sugarman the Shadchan and Mr. Karlkammer, and at last we decided that the fowl was tripha and could not be eaten. So the same evening I sent for the woman, and when I told her of our decision she burst into tears and wrung her hands.

There was a general laugh at the Shalotten Shammos's bull; the proverb dealing only with Moseses. "He has the true gift," observed Froom Karlkammer, shaking the flames of his hair pensively. "For the letters of his name have the same numerical value as those of the great Moses da Leon."

"He evidently thinks the vouchers sent him are the advertisements," screamed little Sampson. "But if he is as ignorant as all that, how could he have written the letter?" asked Raphael. "Oh, it was probably written for him for twopence by the Shalotten Shammos, the begging-letter writer." "This is almost as funny as Karlkammer!" said Raphael.

One man said it should be burned, but that was absurd because the demon would be only too glad to find itself in its native element, but to prevent Satan from rebuking the woman any more its mouth was stopped with furnace ashes. There was no time to obtain Palestine earth, which would have completely crushed the demon." "The woman must have committed some Avirah" said Karlkammer.

Set a Karlkammer to answer to a Karlkammer. But Raphael said it would make the paper a laughing-stock, and between the dread of that and the consciousness of having done the man a wrong, he was quite unhappy. He treats all his visitors with angelic consideration, when in another newspaper office the very office-boy would snub them.

He insisted on bearing a corner of the biers of all the righteous dead. Almost every other day was a fast-day for Karlkammer, and he had a host of supplementary ceremonial observances which are not for the vulgar. Compared with him Moses Ansell and the ordinary "Sons of the Covenant" were mere heathens. He was a man of prodigious distorted mental activity.

"How do you make that out?" he asked Karlkammer. "Moses of course adds up the same as Moses but while the other part of the Maggid's name makes seventy-three, da Leon's makes ninety-one." "Ah, that's because you're ignorant of Gematriyah," said little Karlkammer, looking up contemptuously at the cantankerous giant.

"What was good enough for my father is good enough for me," retorted Belcovitch. "The Shool he took me to at home had a beautiful Chazan, and he always sang it 'Ei, Ei, Ei." "I don't care what you heard at home. In England every Chazan sings 'Oi, Oi, Oi." "We can't take our tune from England," said Karlkammer reprovingly.

"But what if they want to take him altogether at a higher salary?" said Mendel. "No, I'm on the Committee, I'll see to that," said Karlkammer reassuringly. "Then do you think we shall tell him we can't afford to give him more?" asked Belcovitch. There was a murmur of assent with a fainter mingling of dissent.

Nor could the Shalotten Shammos be other than beaming, ordering the complex ceremonial with none to contradict; nor Karlkammer be otherwise than in the seven hundred and seventy-seventh heaven, which, calculated by Gematriyah, can easily be reduced to the seventh.

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