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Then consternation fell upon the scene till Solomon Ansell, crawling on hands and knees in search of windfalls, discovered a basket of apples stored under the centre of the table, and the Shalotten Shammos's son told his father thereof ere Solomon could do more than secure a few for his brother and sisters.

"He ought to go to a sunny place for a week," said Belcovitch compassionately. "Yes, he must certainly have that," said Karlkammer. "Let us add as a rider that although we cannot pay him more per week, he must have a week's holiday in the country. The Shalotten Shammos shall write the letter to Rothschild."

"Then your family are in Poland; you send your money over there." "That is true," said the Maggid feebly. "But still it likes me not." "You leave it to me," said the Shalotten Shammos impressively. "A shamefaced man cannot learn, and a passionate man cannot teach. So said Hillel. When you are in the pulpit I listen to you; when I have my pen in hand, do you listen to me.

"He evidently thinks the vouchers sent him are the advertisements," screamed little Sampson. "But if he is as ignorant as all that, how could he have written the letter?" asked Raphael. "Oh, it was probably written for him for twopence by the Shalotten Shammos, the begging-letter writer." "This is almost as funny as Karlkammer!" said Raphael.

"My wife is dead and I never was blessed with a Kaddish." "It sounds better so," said the Shalotten Shammos authoritatively. "Preachers are expected to have heavy families dependent upon them. It would sound lies if I told the truth." This was an argument after the Maggid's own heart, but it did not quite convince him. "But they will send and make inquiries," he murmured.

There was a general laugh at the Shalotten Shammos's bull; the proverb dealing only with Moseses. "He has the true gift," observed Froom Karlkammer, shaking the flames of his hair pensively. "For the letters of his name have the same numerical value as those of the great Moses da Leon."

"I must laugh when I hear of God's fools burying fish anywhere but in their stomach," said the Shalotten Shammos, transporting a Brazil nut to the rear, where it was quickly annexed by Solomon Ansell, who had sneaked in uninvited and ousted the other boy from his coign of vantage. The conversation was becoming heated; Breckeloff turned the topic.

He also filled up printed application forms for Soup or Passover cakes, and had a most artistic sense of the proportion of orphans permissible to widows and a correct instinct for the plausible duration of sicknesses. The Committee agreed nem. con. to the grant of a seaside holiday, and the Shalotten Shammos with a gratified feeling of importance waived his twopence halfpenny.

The motion that the Maggid's application be refused was put to the vote and carried by a large majority. It was the fate of the Maggid to be the one subject on which Belcovitch and the Shalotten Shammos agreed. They agreed as to his transcendent merits and they agreed as to the adequacy of his salary. "But he's so weakly," protested Mendel Hyams, who was in the minority. "He coughs blood."

His curved eagle nose was grown thinner, his long coat shinier, his look more haggard, his corkscrew earlocks were more matted, and when he spoke his voice was a tone more raucous. He wore his high hat a tall cylinder that reminded one of a weather-beaten turret. The Shalotten Shammos explained briefly what he had done.