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Bandy-legs exchanged a significant look Toby Jucklin. He scratched his head with the air of one who found himself up against a hard, knotty problem. Apparently, if the stranger in camp was trying to mystify them, he had already succeeded in tangling up the wits of Bandy-legs completely. Max continued to sit there and take it all in.

Who's that?" Etheredge came into the corridor. He leered at Alf and Alf sneered at him. "I suppose you found the dog that I told you was lying in the road the dog that tried to bite me," said Alf, with a cold smile. "Jucklin, I didn't come in here to be insulted." "All right, there's the door. Say, there, jailer, you have just let in a gray rat and I wish you'd come and drive him out."

The sun was down when we reached home. How long the day had been, what a stretch of time lay between the going down of the sun now and its rising, when I had shouldered my trunk at the railway station! As I was getting down in front of the door I heard Mr. Jucklin calling me, and when I answered he came forward out of the passage and said that he wanted to see me a moment.

"They're buckshot shells," declared Steve. "Each one's got just twelve buckshot inside, all as big as pistol bullets. And at short range they're calculated to bring down a deer like fun. I'd be willing to take my chances against a black bear, given a good opening to hit him back of his foreleg. Now you know a heap more'n you did before, Toby Jucklin."

"Bob died first, but Sam could jest stagger, and he fluttered against me and covered my hands with his blood; and I must apologize for not washin' 'em, but it is not too late to make some sort of amends. I will wipe 'em on your jaws, sir!" He sprang forward, but I caught him. "You must be perfectly cool and perfectly sensible, Mr. Jucklin," I said, as quickly as I could, holding him.

Jucklin at the time he spoke of having sent his daughter away to school, and I was turning this over and over in my mind, when Alf said: "A young fellow named Dan Stuart often goes to see Millie, and I don't know how much she thinks of him, but some of his people are high flyers, and that may have an influence in his favor.

He doubtless felt that he deserved having a feast, after his adventure in supplying the materials. They were almost through eating, and feeling particularly well satisfied, as is usually the case, when the appetite has been taken care of, when Toby Jucklin was seen to be staring straight ahead. "What ails you, Toby?" demanded Steve, discovering the mysterious actions of the other.

We all drew up about the fire-place, a habit in the country, and it was then that I thought of the open-handed graciousness of the household. Had I correctly caught this girl's name, Guinea? And with a countryman's frankness I asked if that were her name. "Well, no," said Mrs. Jucklin, speaking for her, "it ain't her sure enough name, but it's all that she goes by.

"I want to see what effect an hour's run will have on the hearts of a hound and an ordinary cur." "Sir!" cried his father, turning upon him, "this is no time to talk of the hearts of hounds and curs. The hearts of men are at stake." "That so? What's up?" "What's up, indeed, sir? This man says that Guinea Jucklin will not marry you." "Yes, so he told me.

"I don't know who could have taken it," Mrs. Jucklin went on. "It couldn't have walked off, I'm sure. Limuel?" "Yes, ma'm." "Do you know what has become of that old curtain?" "What, that ragged old thing that wan't worth nothin'?" "Worth nothin'! Why, it belonged to my grandmother." "I never heard of that before." "Oh, yes, you have, and what's the use of talkin' that way?