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A vote, a jury, a newspaper, would not be as they are, things of which it is hard to make the right use, or any use; they would be things of which nobody would even try to make any use. A vote would actually look like a vassal's cry of "haro," a jury would look like a joust; many would no more read headlines than blazon heraldic coats.

And at last, late in the afternoon, there was the captain coming coming at a swift gallop and Bill steeled himself for the onslaught like a knight in a joust against a charging antagonist. The captain saluted stiffly pulling up sharply and making no move to dismount. "Purveyor," he said, "Black Tom has just sent word that he's a-comin' over hyeh this week have you heerd that, purveyor?"

And with each man will go the lady he loves best; and no man can joust for the sparrow-hawk, except the lady he loves best be with him. And the knight that thou sawest has gained the sparrow-hawk these two years; and if he gains it the third year, he will be called the Knight of the Sparrow-hawk from that time forth."

"The sun had mounted only spear-high when Gholab Khan, armed with lance and sword, rode out through the gates of the citadel. For his reception the whole host of our enemies had been drawn up, and in the middle of the curved line was the massed troop of some forty elephants, their howdahs crowded with spectators eager to witness the joust at arms.

Then King Mark was ashamed, and therewith he feutred his spear, and hurtled to Sir Trian, and either brake their spears all to pieces, and passed through anon. Then Sir Trian sent King Mark another spear to joust more; but in no wise he would not joust no more. Then they came to the castle all three knights, and prayed the lord of the castle of harbour.

She stole into her father's chamber. He, too, was astir and up, at work at the untiring furnace, the damps on his brow, but all Hope's vigour at his heart. And now the day came for the memorable joust between the queen's brother and the Count de la Roche. By a chapter solemnly convoked at St.

"Knight of the many colors, well hast thou jousted; now make ready, that I may joust with thee." Gareth heard him, and got a great spear, and quickly the two knights encountered, the prince breaking his spear. But Gareth smote him on the left side of the helm so that he reeled in his saddle, and would have fallen had not his men supported him.

At his rage and fierce bearing men marvelled and many were afeared, seeing that Sir Caradoc was great in lands and kinsmen, and big of his body. 'Thou art full young, Lancelot, said Arthur, 'to joust with so strong a knight. Let an older man have ado with him. 'Sir king, cried Lancelot eagerly, 'I claim the first battle with this strong tyrant. He is my captive, and I claim it.

Then did they joust again with passing rage, for both by now were like mad lions. But Sir Tristram avoided his spear, and seized Sir Palomedes by the neck, and pulled him from his saddle, and bore him onward ten spears' length, and so let him fall. Then King Arthur drew forth his sword and smote the spear asunder, and gave Sir Tristram two or three sore strokes ere he could get at his own sword.

The noise of it went forth throughout all the king's dominions, and knights and barons, and earls and kings, made haste to get them ready to go thither. Sir Lancelot had but lately been sore wounded, and told the king that he could not hope to be at the joust, for fear that his wound might break forth afresh.