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It was a triumph for Jasmine, for otherwise Stafford would not have gone. Whether she would have insisted on Jigger going to Glencader if it had not meant that Ian would go also, it would be hard to say. Her motives were not unmixed, though there had been a real impulse to do all she could.

I rank myself with the historian in this business of tale-telling, and consider that my sole affair is to hunt the argument dispassionately. He must affect a genial height, that of a jigger of strings; and his attitude should be that of the Pulpiteer: Heaven help you, gentlemen, but I know what is best for you! Leave everything to me.

Finally Alex concluded first to learn something further of what was going on, and to count on the velocipede as a means of making his escape in case of emergency. To this end he proceeded cautiously to place the little jigger in a position from which he could quickly swing it onto the irons. Then continuing forward under the edge of the train, he reached the pilot-car.

Once after an outburst of applause from the brilliant audience, there came a tiny echo of it from across the courtyard. It was Jigger, enraptured by a vision of heaven and the sounds of it. Al'mah turned towards the window with a shining face, and waved a kiss out of the light and glory where she was, to the sufferer in the darkness.

"Likely!" said Punch, wiping the pain-drops from Pen's face. "What do you mean by that?" said Pen angrily. "What do I mean by what? You are a bit cracked like, or else you wouldn't talk like this." "Not tell you to run while there's a chance?" "Not tell me to run like this when there's a chance!" replied Punch. "Jigger the chance! So you just hold your tongue and lie quiet. Sha'n't go! There."

His face was white as he leaned over Barry Whalen to look at Rudyard, but suddenly the blood came back to his cheek. "He wants brandy," Jigger said. "Well, go and get it," said Barry sharply. "I've got it here," was the reply; and he produced a flask. "Well, I'm damned!" said Barry. "You'll have a gun next, and fire it too!" "A 4.7," returned Jigger impudently.

"Only half a minute left," he rejoined with gay raillery. "I said you'd sing to them in five minutes, and you must. This way." He offered her his arm, she took it, and in cheerful silence he hurried her to the ball-room. Before her first song he showed her the window which looked across to that out of which Jigger gazed with trembling eagerness.

You've had a good Christian bringin' up, Keith Burton, an' you know as well as I do that your eternal, immoral soul ain't goin' to be snuffled out of existence by no pistol shot, no matter how many times you pull the jigger." Keith laughed and with the laugh his tense muscles relaxed. "All right, Susan," he shrugged a little grimly. "I'll concede your point.

Byng had heard that bugle call again and again in this engagement, and once he had seen the trumpeter above the trenches, sounding the advance before more than a half-dozen men had reached the defences of the Boers. The same trumpeter was now running towards them. He had been known in London as Jigger. In South Africa he was familiarly called Little Jingo.

It was Billinger, his English-red face as white as he had left Gunn's, his shirt in rags, arms bare, and his tremendous blond mustaches crisped and seared by fire. Close to the station, fastened to posts, were two saddlehorses. A mile beyond these things a thin film of smoke clouded the sky. As the jigger stopped Philip jumped from his seat and held out a blistered hand.