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The group parted hastily, and out came Dick Cludde, with a face as white as milk, and sped up the town as fast as his long legs would carry him. No doubt he was the "gaping jackass" whom Mr. Vetch had so addressed in his fury.

An' with that anchor safe on the fo'castle head, I, for one, can't see no sense in raisin' it." "You tarnation jackass!" sighed Gibney. "You forget who we are. Do you s'pose the steamer Yankee Prince can lay on the beach all night with both anchors out, an' then be got ready to tow off in three shakes of a lamb's tail? It takes noise to get up two anchors so I'm makin' all the noise I can.

"Didje think we'd send the Chink?" "I was first cousin to a Yaqui jackass for sendin' young Billy Ellis out. He'll be back in a week. He'd do." "So'd the President," the Senor pointed out; "I hear he's had some experience." "I hate to have you to go," objected Jed. "There's the missis." He shot a glance sideways at his chief. "I guess she and I can stand it for a week," scoffed the latter.

Here I stayed several hours, for the interest of the whole trip, so far as Bret Harte was concerned, centered around this once celebrated camp, and Jackass Hill, on which, at one time, lived James W. Gillis, the supposed prototype of "Truthful James."

"Well, course I saw her home, and tried my best to be interesting, but if a fellow ever in his natural life becomes a double-barreled jackass, it's just immediately after he falls in love. Why, he ain't as interesting as the unlettered side of an ore-sack.

"Well, now, if I've got to haul this here dang jackass up this dang gulch, I cal'clate that'll be about job enough for one man," he yelled. "How yuh expect me t' go two ways 't once? Hey? Yuh figured that out yit?" He turned then for a look at the interrupting strangers, and immediately they saw his manner change. He straightened up, and his right hand crept back significantly toward his hip.

Norah lay watching the flickering firelight for a little while, thinking there was nothing so glorious as the open-air feeling, and the night scents of the bush; then she fell asleep. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!!" A cheeky jackass on a gum tree bough fairly roared with laughter, and Norah woke up with a violent start. The sunlight was streaming across her bed.

A jackass laughed his joy as he perched on the telegraph wire out in the road. joy! joy! Summer is a dream of delight and life is a joy, I said in my heart. I was repeating the one thing over and over but ah! it was a measure of happiness which allowed of much repetition.

The Lechee is another species, allied to this, and of very similar habits; and two, if not three species of water antelopes have been lately discovered by Livingstone and other South African explorers. The Sing-sing is an antelope belonging to Western Africa. The English on the Gambia call it the "Jackass Deer," from its resemblance to a donkey.

I ought to observe that my birds appeared now to separate into pairs, male and female, as their difference of plumage denoted. Lion and Horse were always side by side, as were Jackass and Bear, and Tiger and Panther. I now fed them one by one, calling them by name, to which they immediately responded, and if anyone came who was not called, it was switched for its trouble.