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Monsieur will reflect upon the reception one would receive did one ring the front door-bell and demand audience at three o'clock in the morning!" "Well ..." Monsieur Ducroy conceded dubiously. Then, on reflection, he iterated the monosyllable testily: "Well! What is it you want, then?" "I can best explain by asking monsieur to examine what I have to show him."

It was brought to the cottage door from a distance; it has been iterated and reiterated till at last some begin to think they really do want all these things. But with the majority even now the propaganda falls flat. They do not enter into the spirit of it.

Finally, on waking up on the morning following your abstraction of the jewels, you will remember nothing of the affair until reminded of it by me, and then only this much: That in obedience to irresistible impulse, you stole the jewels. Is that clear? Repeat ..." Without a mistake the woman in hypnosis iterated the commands imposed upon her.

His geniality that wore a philosophic cloak before the world, caused him to abandon himself in the 'Spectator', even more unreservedly than Steele would have done, to iterated efforts for the help of a friend like Ambrose Philips, whose poems to eminent babies, 'little subject, little wit, gave rise to the name of Namby-pamby.

It has since been formally and officially iterated in the Constitutions of many American States and has been proclaimed and invoked as an impregnably established political truth. Nevertheless the doctrine is only a theory, not yet demonstrated nor undoubted.

PARTICULARS are in universals as parts in a whole, 261. Whoever knows universals, may afterwards comprehend particulars, 261. Obs. Particulars taken together are called universals. PARTNER. Those who have lived in love truly conjugial, after the death of their married partners, are unwilling to enter into iterated marriages, the reason why, 321. See Married Partners.

Sir! sir! gasped the terrified young man. 'You are, continued M. de Véron, 'entitled to a month's salary, in lieu of that period of notice one hundred francs, with which you may credit yourself in the cash account you will please to balance and bring me as quickly as possible. 'Sir! sir! again bewilderedly iterated the panic-stricken clerk, as he turned distractedly from father to son 'Sir!

The decision of the Parliament was quashed by the council. An order from the king, forbidding discussion, was brought to the court by Count Maurepas; its contents were divined, and Parliament refused to open it. The king iterated his injunctions. "If his Majesty were at the Louvre," cried Abbe Pernelle, "it would be the court's duty to go and let him know how his orders are executed." "To Marly!

The harsh order was iterated; and Esther Mason, fainting with shame and agony, was conveyed to the prison in Giltspur Street. The next day she was fully committed to Newgate on the capital charge of privately stealing in a shop to the value of five pounds. A few hours after her incarceration within those terrible walls, she was prematurely delivered of a female child.

The first bobolink I hear flying over northward and bursting out in song now and then, full of anticipation of those broad meadows where he will soon be with his mate; or the first swallow twittering joyously overhead, borne on a warm southern breeze; or the first high-hole sounding out his long, iterated call from the orchard or field how all these things send a wave of emotion over me!